Fresh install and move to unstable firmware
After finding out I have a bug in 3.3 (see other thread) I was unsuccessful in updating my current setup to the unstable firmware. I was able to downgrade to 3.3 but I think a fresh start would be better.
So Duet3 6HC with 3HC on a ToolChanger in SBC mode, can I use a new SD card download the duetpi image and put that into the pi for a fresh start? Do I need to erase the duet first?
Once this is done I will try the unstable update process again and hopefully it will work this time.
Any pointers before I start?
Thanks J.
@rushmere3d see
For switching stable/unstable, see
Thanks, so I don't need to do anything to the Duet 3 to erase it, it's all running from the pi's SD card?
OK, managed to get on the unstable release. Not sure what happened before as this time it also asked me to confirm updating the attached 3HC board?
Anyway, the release seems to have solved my issue.
But I do have a question. I was using the execonmcode method to shutdown the pi safely to avoid the possibly of corrupting the SD card, with a complete fresh install I currently don't have that setup, so how are other handling it?