Ultimaker cura from the center outwards
Wall ordering is a feature that comes with the new slicing engine Arachne. You can try the Arachne beta from late last year if you must have this feature. It is based on Cura 4.11 or 4.12 and misses all the bug fixes in the current Cura 4.13.11.
I did print some single layer plates with a 2mm nozzle today, and I only got almost what I wanted by switching to Arachne Engine, set Wall thickness to 0, Concentric infill for the bottom layer, turned seam hiding off. I would prefer true spiralised infill (for vase mode prints as well), but the [feature request](https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/9858] has been deprioritized by Ultimaker.
@oliof said in Ultimaker cura from the center outwards:
Wall ordering is a feature that comes with the new slicing engine Arachne. You can try the Arachne beta from late last year if you must have this feature. It is based on Cura 4.11 or 4.12 and misses all the bug fixes in the current Cura 4.13.11.
I did print some single layer plates with a 2mm nozzle today, and I only got almost what I wanted by switching to Arachne Engine, set Wall thickness to 0, Concentric infill for the bottom layer, turned seam hiding off. I would prefer true spiralised infill (for vase mode prints as well), but the [feature request](https://github.com/Ultimaker/Cura/issues/9858] has been deprioritized by Ultimaker.
what I'm about to tell you maybe you won't believe me.
with this version arachne Engine Beta 2 I was created a problem Practically the other nozzles
after 5 mm of printing Z starts to lose the pitch I want to tell you that yes I print with 4.11.0 I don't have these problems but if I print arachne Engine Beta 2 loses the step in Z practically begin to touch the nozzles on the parts already printed , I did a lot of tests and counter-tests in the end I decided to lower the instantaneous speed of m566 and m201 from 1500 to 500 but the problem I have not solved it I have noticed that also the management of the speed of X and Y is managed completely differently. another thing also on accelerations it manages it completely in another way I do not know if you have noticed these problems I have seen that a photo you have published on a circle that you have printed leaves you a line in the center for example I do not have these problems if you can send me that file and you have published I would like to try it out print too and see if I have the problem as well as you do.
tell me what you think Thanks -
I would 100% expect slicing results to differ between the legacy slicing engine and Arachne engine since that is what it is about -- including accelerations, speeds, and pathing. Any slicing issues like the one you have encountered should probably be reported to Ultimaker via their issue reporting mechanism.
I don't know which print of mine you saw that has an issue, but if it was one with my 2mm nozzle then yes there will be lines across surfaces because that nozzle can't retract very well. I have those issues with any version of Cura.
I am pretty sure there is no gcode I can share with you that you can print because our machines are so different. I am using Cura exclusively on the Ultimaker I own (I use another slicer on my other printers); it is a very pedestrian machine compared to yours except for the nozzle size which is rather unusual.
I am also not using Arachne daily -- I usually stick to stable Cura. I just mentioned Arachne because it has a setting you desire. As beta versions go, issues are expected and should be reported.
@oliof said in Ultimaker cura from the center outwards:
I would 100% expect slicing results to differ between the legacy slicing engine and Arachne engine since that is what it is about -- including accelerations, speeds, and pathing. Any slicing issues like the one you have encountered should probably be reported to Ultimaker via their issue reporting mechanism.
I don't know which print of mine you saw that has an issue, but if it was one with my 2mm nozzle then yes there will be lines across surfaces because that nozzle can't retract very well. I have those issues with any version of Cura.
I am pretty sure there is no gcode I can share with you that you can print because our machines are so different. I am using Cura exclusively on the Ultimaker I own (I use another slicer on my other printers); it is a very pedestrian machine compared to yours except for the nozzle size which is rather unusual.
I am also not using Arachne daily -- I usually stick to stable Cura. I just mentioned Arachne because it has a setting you desire. As beta versions go, issues are expected and should be reported.
@paolozampini1973 that is not a print of mine, and what you see is the seam line because concentric infill does create discrete lines per perimeter and not a spiral. There is no difference between legacy and Arachne engine in this regard.
@oliof said in Ultimaker cura from the center outwards:
@paolozampini1973 that is not a print of mine, and what you see is the seam line because concentric infill does create discrete lines per perimeter and not a spiral. There is no difference between legacy and Arachne engine in this regard.
however I hope they will solve these basic problems
@paolozampini1973 I sincerely doubt that Arachne engine does have a genuine problem with keeping Z height. But we will see how things develop when it comes out of beta.
@oliof said in Ultimaker cura from the center outwards:
@paolozampini1973 I sincerely doubt that Arachne engine does have a genuine problem with keeping Z height. But we will see how things develop when it comes out of beta.
I understand that it seems strange to you but if I make 10 prints with 4.11 and I don't have the problem, that's why I told you that you won't believe me if I print with Arachne engine 10 prints all 10 prints there the same problem I'd like to understand In fact, things are very strange and in any case the prints are more defined with the 4.11 Before I took the photo but in the photo you don't understand a 4.11 the prints are cleaner sharper smoother these things too surely it seems very strange to me the fact of the problems gives it after 7-8 mm of height and does not give it immediately
Well, there is no use discussing this here. Either you file a report with Ultimaker or you don't. That is up to you.
@oliof said in Ultimaker cura from the center outwards:
Well, there is no use discussing this here. Either you file a report with Ultimaker or you don't. That is up to you.
Yes yes sure I will do this to you Anyway it was an exchange of opinion in the sense If I simply wanted to say that if you make 10 prints they come in one way with a program you make 10 more and they come the other way it doesn't depend on the part was what I meant maybe I have not explained myself anyway Thanks for your attention