Time Based Heating
I have a higher voltage heating element that is being controlled by a SSR. I have successfully set it up as tool and chamber before when I was playing around with it but I'm not sure the best way to categorize it as I hope to raise it to a temperature then have it hold at that temperature for prescribed amount of time. Recommendations on best way to go about this? Cheers and Happy Friday
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Is this for a chamber heater?
@phaedrux Not necessarily. Its being used in a thermoforming process to heat up the forming sheet so it could go either way.
It depends on whether the machine needs to be active and doing something during the heating period.If it's not then a simple G4 command would suffice between the commands to turn on/off the heater
If it does then you need to create/update a global variable and use daemon.g to monitor the elapsed time.
if !exists(global.offTime) global offTime = state.time + (your delay time)
Then in daemon.g use
if exists(global.offTime) if (global.offTime > state.Time) "Code to turn off heaters here"
You will need extra code to check if heating is on progress and it's above a certain temp as daemon.g will be running all the time.
This is just a framework. -
@owend That G4 should do it! Everything else remains idle. Thank you!
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