Jobs showing progress before starting 3.4RC2
On a couple of printers I am running (one Duet 6HC based and the other Fly-Super8 based - both standalone), I am seeing a varied amount of % being complete before the printer has moved.
Here is an example
This was a very small job and I think its linked to running a start.g file but I'm not fully sure.
Here is one of my start.g filesM118 S"Running start.g" if !move.axes[0].homed || !move.axes[1].homed || !move.axes[2].homed G28 ;G29 S1
Is the start.g file being counted towards job progress?
@jay_s_uk I have the same on a Duet Wifi (Standalone), but it's been like that for quite a while.
But in my case it's like 30% or sometimes even more progresss. The times and estimates are correct, but it completely screws with the percentage.
or could it be linked to thumbnails in files now?
Not sure if I saw this before RC1 or not -
@dc42 - I think Jay is right in that this is being caused by the embedded thumbnails as we never noticed this prior to enabling them. I think (guessing, really) RRF must be using file length / file position to report progress and the thumbnails are taking up 20~30% at the top of the file..
@oozebot that could be the reason when printing small GCode files. To fix it we would need to scan the start of the file to see where the real GCode starts.
This still occurs on 3.4.1-RC1
@jay_s_uk I think it's planned fix for 3.5.