Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle
I figured out what was wrong with line 169 (as i'm sure you will the secound you have a look at it even though it took me like 20min lol).
I also streamlined the "var.brush_oh" calculation in line 153 and fixed the timeout for the message in line 137.
Lastly i added M400 at the end before M118 so that it would actually be finished with the moves before saying so.
@exerqtor said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
I figured out what was wrong with line 169 (as i'm sure you will the secound you have a look at it even though it took me like 20min lol).
I also streamlined the "var.brush_oh" calculation in line 153 and fixed the timeout for the message in line 137.
Lastly i added M400 at the end before M118 so that it would actually be finished with the moves before saying so.
Glad to hear it is working for you.
I have to ask - what the heck is this code for?
G1 X{208.5 + ((23.5 - 12.5) / (2 - 1)) + (1 * 25) + (1 * ((12.5 + ((35.5 / 2) + (1 x 12.5))} ; code with overhang compensation
Everything there is a constant - why not just do the math and enter the result?
Back to perusing the file.
G4 with a S parameter is the time in seconds no need to do the math below:
G4 P{var.ooze_dwell * 1000}
As to the rest of your code - your math teachers must have loved you.
Clever but harder to understand than simple conditional code.
Do you have a video of this brushing thing?
Hahaha it's the math for the code above, i needed to visualize what i tried to do and forgot to remove it. It's NOT meant to be in there and won't be once i get everything working 100%
Looks like i've got a bug or two to iron out, when the hotend is hot and it actually does a purge it purges outside the damned purge bin
But that will have to be a challenge for tomorrow.
@fcwilt said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
G4 with a S parameter is the time in seconds no need to do the math below:
G4 P{var.ooze_dwell * 1000}
Good catch, i'll change that right away.
As to the rest of your code - your math teachers must have loved you.
Clever but harder to understand than simply conditional code.
I can't take the credit for the math in that code, i've done adjustments to make it suit what i want and added a variable here and there. But the bulk of it is made by a user/users from the Voron discord.
Tbh i think the next step here is to make the purge point selection etc. conditional so that that long ass equation can be emited.
Do you have a video of this brushing thing?
I'll take a video tomorrow and post here, want to get that damn purge position to work first
I will look at the intro more closely and see if I can fully understand what is the goal.
I'm retired but I was a programmer for 30+ years.
My gut tells me that code is more complicated than it needs to be.
But to be sure I have know what the intent of the processes are.
@fcwilt The over all goal with the random part is to split up what purge bucket (left/right) is used so that they don't fill up as fast.
And with that also make it "random" if the scrub starts right to left or left to right depending on where it did the purge.
I'm at work now so i can't look at the code to give an better explanation, but it's the main goal.
@exerqtor said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
@fcwilt The over all goal with the random part is to split up what purge bucket (left/right) is used so that they don't fill up as fast.
And with that also make it "random" if the scrub starts right to left or left to right depending on where it did the purge.
I'm at work now so i can't look at the code to give an better explenation, but it's the main goal.
I hope you will be able to make a quick video or some pictures. I would like to see what the brush and buckets are. I only know them from theory. Never actually seen any.
@fcwilt I shot a short clip yesterday before i fixed the bug in line 169. But it shows what i'm trying to do, the clip was with the hotend off since i wanted to check that it didn't try to purge or flipped out while it was cold.
As for the brush and bucket combo it's derived from this:
@exerqtor said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
@fcwilt I shot a short clip yesterday before i fixed the bug in line 169. But it shows what i'm trying to do, the clip was with the hotend off since i wanted to check that it didn't try to purge or flipped out while it was cold.
As for the brush and bucket combo it's derived from this:
I see the brush, look like brass but I don't see any little buckets.
What did you use for the brush? Any concerns for damaging the nozzle?
Not a video, but it's at least the buckets!
Not really too woried about nozzle wear to be honest, but if it turns out to be a problem other brush types is a posibility
Goodie!As a sidenote, i downloaded the EditPad Pro demo yesterday and it for sure has alot more to offer than what i've been using! BUT, have you made or dug up a syntax highlighting profile for RRF?
@exerqtor said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
Goodie!As a sidenote, i downloaded the EditPad Pro demo yesterday and it for sure has alot more to offer than what i've been using! BUT, have you made or dug up a syntax highlighting profile for RRF?
Yes - I have created one - it's not perfect - but anything missing is easy to fix.
You ready to take me up on my offer?
Here is the file. I had to add an extension of .txt to get it to upload - just remove the .txt and put it into:
C:\Users\yourwindowsname\AppData\Roaming\JGsoft\EditPad Pro 8
@fcwilt said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
@exerqtor said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
Goodie!As a sidenote, i downloaded the EditPad Pro demo yesterday and it for sure has alot more to offer than what i've been using! BUT, have you made or dug up a syntax highlighting profile for RRF?
Yes - I have created one - it's not perfect - but anything missing is easy to fix.
You ready to take me up on my offer?
I'm tempted, have to test it out a little bit before i decide on anything
@fcwilt said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
Here is the file. I had to add an extension of .txt to get it to upload - just remove the .txt and put it into:
*C:\Users\yourwindowsname\AppData\Roaming\JGsoft\EditPad Pro 8*
Don't look like that worked, i've created the filetype Gcode and added " .g;.gcode " file masks. And if i try going to "Colors and Syntax->Customize->Import" it looks for a .ini ?
I found and followed the guide on their website, but it don't pick it up when i refresh. Might be that it's simply left out of the demo or something.Could you take a screenshot of how the macro we've been working on looks on your end so i can see how it is maybe?
Now i got it! Allways fun trying out and learning new stuff ey? #facepalm -
@exerqtor said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
Now i got it! Allways fun trying out and learning new stuff ey? #facepalmSo you got the syntax file to work?
@fcwilt said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
So you got the syntax file to work?
Yup! Working on trying to get the color pallete to match the DWC editor atm.
@exerqtor said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
Yup! Working on trying to get the color pallete to match the DWC editor atm.
atm??? Automatic Teller Machine???
The syntax editor has predefined palettes which are crafted with usage in mind, not colors, so much.
If you read about the issue in the help for the Syntax Coloring Scheme Editor they talk about the rational behind their system.
@fcwilt said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
atm??? Automatic Teller Machine???
At The Moment
The syntax editor has predefined palettes which are crafted with usage in mind, not colors, so much.
If you read about the issue in the help for the Syntax Coloring Scheme Editor they talk about the rational behind their system.
Can't look at the Syntax Coloring Scheme Editor since it's not included in the demo.
The reason i want it to look like it does in DWC is mainly so that i have one "reference" so to say. Between what i make in my editor and what DWC / RRF does.
@exerqtor said in Macro for cleaning and purging nozzle:
Can't look at the Syntax Coloring Scheme Editor since it's not included in the demo.
Yet another great reason to take me up on my offer.
I just discovered a small "bug" in my scheme - but the scheme editor will make short work of it - I think.
The system is based on regular expressions which I have not done a lot with - so I am learning as I go.