Save and recall variables from file
In my CNC setup, the spindle control value does not linearly correspond to spindle speed. I have a macro that slowly dials in the control value until the desired spindle speed is reached. I would like to save both values, spindle speed and corresponding control value to a .csv or macro file. My goal is to recall these values to get the rough spindle speed from the file and only do the fine adjustment with the "dial in"-macro
Max -
undefined MaxGyver marked this topic as a question
You can use
echo >>filename and echo >filename to create and append to a file.
Then just send the commands you want to rune.g.
echo >>"mymacro.g" M3 S{spindles[0].current} ;create/overwrite file echo >"my macro.g" "G1 X0 Y0 Z{move.axes[2].max} ; append to file
@owend thank you, it works flawless!
To whomever it might concern/interest:
I have a CNC-setup where the spindle speed is controlled by manually adjusting a potentiometer.
In order to control the spindle speed via the duet, I have built a contraption that uses a small RC servo to turn the potentiometer for me.I have created some global variables for better debugging. But the macro will also work with normal variables. But these have to be defined!
my "create lookup macro":
echo >>"lookup.g""" ;create lookup.g M280 P0 S0 ;reset servo position G4 S1 ;wait for servo M80 ;turn on Power G4 S1 ;wait for power set global.servo=0 ;reset servo position M3 P0 S650 ;switch on spindle G4 S2 ;wait for spindle to get up to speed echo "LookupTable START" while global.servo<=180 ;repear until servo arm is at 180° if spindles[0].active-fans[1].rpm>1 || spindles[0].active-fans[1].rpm <-1 ; the loop is repeated as long as the difference between spindles[0].active (set RPM) and fans[1].rpm (measured RPM) >+-1 RPM set global.servo={global.servo+((spindles[0].active-fans[1].rpm)/100)} ; set global.servo depending on the difference between spindles[0].active (set RPM) and fans[1].rpm (measured RPM) M280 P0 S{global.servo} ; use global.servo to set servo position G4 S0.5 ;wait for servo and spindle to get to new RPM else ;if the difference between spindles[0].active (set RPM) and fans[1].rpm (measured RPM) <+-1 RPM echo >>"lookup.g" "if spindles[0].active >= "^spindles[0].active^"" ;append to lookup.g as a new line echo >>"lookup.g" " M280 P0 S{"^ global.servo ^"}" ;append to lookup.g as a new line G4 S1 ;wait M3 P0 S{spindles[0].active+25} ; increase spindle speed by 25RPM echo "LookupTable END" M5 ;turn off spindle M280 P0 S0; reset servo position
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