Mesh Bed Compensation Does Not Seem to Work
I will be referring to a previous thread, as I have the exact same issue and it was marked as Solved without an actual resolution posted:
So basically the probing works fine (sorta, need to tweak my piezo probing). The height map is there and quite uneven.
My start gcode seems to be ok:
G91 ; relative positioning
G1 H2 Z5 F6000 ; lift Z relative to current position
G90 ; absolute positioning
;G1 X70.5 Y-11 F6000 ; go to first probe point
;G30 ; home Z by probing the bed
G29 S1
M376 H10When sending an M122 I can see that bed compensation is on and using the heightmap, but physically no compensation is happening (the Z axes are not moving at all during the print outside changing layers).
I am attaching my config and homing files. Any insight would be super appreciated
M566 X600.00 Y600.00 Z0.00
Is Z jerk 0 correct?
Can you show a screenshot of the heightmap display?
M376 H10
Have you tried turning off the taper? M376 H0?
@phaedrux said in Mesh Bed Compensation Does Not Seem to Work:
Wow... talk about not seeing the forest from the trees.
I went over my settings 5 times, tried a bunch of things, and not ONCE did I even notice that. Probably changed my jerk and accidentally deleted the 5 from the 50 without noticing.
Thank you @Phaedrux!
If you don't mind I'll go get some rum and go feel stupid in my corner now.
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