duet wifi 1.04 USB is not detected
Good evening Someone can help me I am with this problem everything worked regularly the printer was turned off for a few days I went to turn it on again and it no longer worked, the photo Shows which LEDs are on it seems that the firmware has been deleted
connected to a computer but it is not recognized with any type of USB cable this problem was done several months ago Then the problem no longer occurred thanks
Is the USB cable connected directly to the computer or to a USB hub?
Always connect directly to a computer, not to a hub.If the cable is connected directly... have you tried a different USB port or maybe even a different computer ?
Are you sure that the heatsinks on the driver chips are not touching any other components on the board and possibly causing a short circuit ? -
@paolozampini1973 Please be aware you have a 'clone' Duet 2 WiFi, not one produced by Duet3D. Heatsinks, all green LEDs, "Based on Duet2" etc.
Try erasing the firmware fully, by putting a jumper on the 'erase' pins, then see if it shows up.
@droftarts said in duet wifi 1.04 USB is not detected:
@paolozampini1973 Please be aware you have a 'clone' Duet 2 WiFi, not one produced by Duet3D. Heatsinks, all green LEDs, "Based on Duet2" etc.
Try erasing the firmware fully, by putting a jumper on the 'erase' pins, then see if it shows up.
Yes I have already done the cancellation of signing by putting the jumper but I have not solved anything to put more it worked nothing has been touched that you give me advice the cable is directed to the computer I have changed three and they are cables that work
@norder said in duet wifi 1.04 USB is not detected:
Is the USB cable connected directly to the computer or to a USB hub?
Always connect directly to a computer, not to a hub.If the cable is connected directly... have you tried a different USB port or maybe even a different computer ?
Are you sure that the heatsinks on the driver chips are not touching any other components on the board and possibly causing a short circuit ?yes and cable is connected directly to the computer and obviously everything is disconnected as in the picture