How to know when there's a firmware update?
I might be wrong but I think over the air updates via DWC, are in the works at some point.
But +1 for maybe having a quick email to users when an official stable release is finalised (I don't think beta firmware need be announced in any way apart from the forum/github, if you want to test beta software then you have to follow the documentation/forums to participate).
I think is easier to do a quick check on the web panel to an endpoint (probably github has something) that tells the latest release version, and compare it against the installed version… if it differs, just setup a badge or a message on the top...
But that's probably more a wish for the web panel and not for the firmware
I've also asked several times about auto-updates (by user requst), but my questions remain without support
Of course auto-update is the dream.
And it doesn't sound unrealistically hard.
But for the time being I'll bet that a majority of Duet users are 3d-printer hackers rather than folks who are focussed on the code. Hence that they're slow to update. Or maybe never do so.
For my part whilst sitting for a print to complete I occasionally think "I wonder if there's an update". But do so only every few months. And then to check is quite a fiddle (find the right links, figure out what you're currently running, compare, look up the installation procedure, wait for print to finish, take a big gulp….).
If you read the release notes that accompany updates, you'll realise that auto updating would be a very bad idea.
If you read the release notes that accompany updates, you'll realise that auto updating would be a very bad idea.
+1 for a Distribution list or prompt in DWC.
If you read the release notes that accompany updates, you'll realise that auto updating would be a very bad idea.
Just two buttons - "check for updates" and "update firmware".
First button shows release notes, second doing update.
Nothing bad if you read release notes.
but if we had that for the 1.19 release how many more reports would we have had MY Duet Stopped working unfortunately most people don't read the release notes at the start and some don't even read them when things go wrong (I am very much in agreement with Deckingman) the furthest I would go is a notification that a new version is available with a link that takes you to any warning's re that upgrade.
TBH David does such a good job publicising these upgrades I wonder if there is any real need to automate it.
just my 2p worth