G29 Issues
I don't understand why the G29 command insists on starting to probe at X=25, Y-10, which puts my probe off the edge of the bed.
Normal leveling with the BL-Touch works fine.
I have
Board: Duet Maestro 1.0
Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 Maestro 2.05 (2019-12-13b1)In config.g:
M558 P9 B1 A10 S0.003 H5 F60 T60000 R0.75; X & Y= Min/Max Probeable bed locations, S= X area divided by 4, for 5 probe locations
M557 X95:195 Y10:220 S25 ; define mesh grid and interval for pollingG31 X-50 Y8 Z1.712 P25
I have tried changing the M557 values (which is why the X start value is so high right now) but it doesn't seem to change. I also renamed bed.g to bed.g.bak just to take that out of the equation.
What else might be affecting the positioning here?
It would also help to see all your relevant files. Config.g, homing files, bed.g.
Well I'm not sure what to make of M98 results:
12/22/2022, 5:39:58 PM M98 P"config.g" Warning: Macro file general.g not found. Warning: Macro file network.g not found. Warning: Macro file motion.g not found. Warning: Macro file thermal.g not found. Warning: Macro file tools.g not found.
Those files all exist and the printer wouldn't work if they weren't being read.
This led me down an interesting path, however. I thought it might be because I was using an M505 command in the config.g in the root to use files in a subfolder since I switch between two print heads on this printer. So, to test whether that was the issue, I created an SD card with only the files from the directory I want to use.
With that SD card, I still get the M98 response shown above. However, the G29 command now probes the expected coordinates. The problem now is that it doesn't write a heightmap.csv file even though it says it does. My latest run gave me these results in the console, but not csv file:
30 points probed, min error -0.057, max error 0.339, mean 0.114, deviation 0.093 Height map saved to file heightmap.csv
I will attach the files @Phaedrux mentioned. (which files should I be looking at was part of my original question.config.g ) You can see why I renamed bed.g to make sure it wasn't getting used, I need to go in and clean that up.
I don't seem to have any issues reading and writing to the SD card from within the web interface, so I don't know why the M98 command is having trouble or why no heightmap.csv is being written.
Also, a little backstory that may or may not be relevant: This is a new board I just installed after killing my old one by plugging in a fan while the printer was running. It's taken me a while to get around to actually installing this, but I thought I had all this working with the previous board, but this feels more like a config issue than a hardware problem. I updated the firmware to what was on the SD card I was running before by uploading the DuetMaestroFirmware.bin file again via the web interface. Should I have used the Duet2CombinedFirmware.bin instead or in addition?
bed.g(I had to rename bed.g back in order to upload it. It's "bed.g.bak" on the SD card.)
Thanks for looking.
You're using M505 to switch config folders, are those macros located in that V6 folder?
I suggest for the M98 command that you use a full path name. I believe they would be looking in the default /sys/ and /macros/ folder and not your modified V6 folder. So use
...macro name .etcYou're also using 2.05 firmware which is over 2 years old now. I suggest you consider updating to modern firmware.
@Phaedrux Thanks for the reply.
I thought I had deleted the M505 command off of that SD card, but I hadn't, so I tested without that and that was the cause of the M98 issues and the missing heightmap.csv file, so that mystery is solved.
I still don't know where it was getting x=25 as the starting X position on the old card. I'll go back make sure I've got the paths right on that card.