Is my DUET 2 WiFi broken?
@mmaciocia You can try to update the firmware on the WiFi module again, perhaps that lets you recover it:
If that doesn't work, I suspect your WiFi module is broken.
@chrishamm thanks Chris - looks like it is knackered! Tried complete firmware update, 3.4.5 and reinstall of wifi too - no change.
@mmaciocia Can you post a photo of your board?
is this ok - board is still in my ender 3
@mmaciocia Thanks. When did you purchase this board?
@chrishamm test of memory, 2 years?
@mmaciocia what responses did you get when you tried to use M997 S1 to reinstall the WiFi firmware?
The WiFi module is not difficult to replace, but you will need either a hot air desoldering tool or low melting point solder to remove the old one.
@dc42 so you use it in the AT mode, you have no special code running on the ESP? If so I will buy a couple off Amazon. Worked for Intel for 35 years, so, not afraid of surface mount!
@mmaciocia we don't use it in AT mode. Running M997 S1 uploads the firmware to it, if the firmware file is already on the SD card.
You can use either the ESP12S with internal antenna, or the ESP07S with external antenna.
@dc42 thanks - will give it a go, have hot air station.
@mmaciocia i recommend an ESP07s so you can use an external antenna