Temperature Nozzle
from yesterday the temperature in nozzle not rise…
I have cheked HEAT CARTRIDGE, with a external power supply 12V, temperature rises...
I have cheked TERMISTOR, with the same externa power supply 12v, temperature rises, and change in web interface...The only extrange thing, i dont know it is normal, is in webinterface, down HEATER 1, says TEMPERATURE 0(OFF), although I select an active temperature of 200.
I have probe to chage HEAT CARTRIDGE/TERMISTOR to E1 Heater.... but i dont know how see in web interface for select/change temperature.
Why in webinterface HEATER 1, says TEMPERATURE 0(OFF), although I select an active temperature of 200?
How can i use HEATER 1 channel?Thanks
click where it says "heater 1", does it switch to active?
Later try… Thanks
click where it says "heater 1", does it switch to active?
XD, Thanks…. This works great...