Need help in Los Angeles. Willing to pay
Hey guys I bought an ender 5 off of marketplace with "upgrades". It didnt say anything about Duet3d or having to connect to wifi and or learn a new system to be able to use. I thought I was just going to be able to load my gcode from cura and print. This is not the case and I don't have the capacity for endless troubleshooting right now. Running scripts and configuring is pretty far outside of my comfort zone.
I need help.
Is there anyone in LA who can come over and help me get set up? I live near the Marina and will pay you what you think is fair.
Dillon -
It may seem daunting, but there are plenty of people here to help.
For a start, have you looked at this?
Your config.g undoubtedly still has the SSID used by the previous owner, so that will need to be changed and you will need to configure the password.