M567 (mixing ratio) no longer works in firmware 1.19?
Prior to firmware 1.19 I used Mixing on 5 extruders as I use 5way Diamond hotend.
I had Enabled mixing using M568 and defined it using M567 to extrude 0.9 from primary extruder and a tad from each of the other 4.. Worked great!Like this
[[language]] M568 P0 S1 ; Enable mixing for tool 0 M567 P0 E0.9:0.025:0.025:0.025:0.025 ; Set mixing ratios for tool 0 After 1.19 it just doesn't mix anymore. I read that M568 was deprectaed and tried removing it from my config.g but it makes no difference?
[[language]] ; M568 P0 S1 ; Enable mixing for tool 0 M567 P0 E0.9:0.025:0.025:0.025:0.025 ; Set mixing ratios for tool 0 It used to work before 1.19 so it's not some typo on my part. Any ideas please?
I'm using Cura and always has, so that hasn't changed.
I am using Firmware retraction and Volumetric Printing, which works.
Also turned on Relative extrusion now, as Cura supports it. -
Perhaps Ian (deckingman) can confirm that mixing works in firmware 1.19 or 1.19.2 ?
Perhaps Ian (deckingman) can confirm that mixing works in firmware 1.19 or 1.19.2 ?
Yes - it works for me. Both 1.19 and more recently 1.19.2.
I haven't changed my config.g so still have the original M568 commands if that makes any difference.
@ dintid are you sure it's not working for you? It's just that with 2.5% for the other 4 extruders, it's hard to spot if they are advancing.
Just realised that we are talking about the 5 colour Diamond. If you heat the nozzle, can you extrude each and all of the filaments by hand? Just wondering if you've discovered the heat creep issue that I encountered which caused the filament to swell and "bind" in the heat break area.
Perhaps Ian (deckingman) can confirm that mixing works in firmware 1.19 or 1.19.2 ?
Yes - it works for me. Both 1.19 and more recently 1.19.2.
I haven't changed my config.g so still have the original M568 commands if that makes any difference.
@ dintid are you sure it's not working for you? It's just that with 2.5% for the other 4 extruders, it's hard to spot if they are advancing.
Yes, very sure. It was pretty easy to spot when it worked as well, but symptom is how it starts bleeding after a time now due to overheated/long time heated filament.
Just realised that we are talking about the 5 colour Diamond. If you heat the nozzle, can you extrude each and all of the filaments by hand? Just wondering if you've discovered the heat creep issue that I encountered which caused the filament to swell and "bind" in the heat break area.
Yea, it extrudes perfectly well individually.. also when I prime using all extruders at once.
About heatcreep and binding.. mine aren't binding but its clear how it swells up after it stopped mixing - clear when I retract filament all the way out.
The MIX button has never worked on webdisplay, but ALL and the individual buttons work.. how is the MIX button supposed to work?
Have you tried a mix ratio of 20% per filament? What happens when you do?
What M563 tool definition command are you using?
Have you tried a mix ratio of 20% per filament? What happens when you do?
What M563 tool definition command are you using?
It works when I give them 20% each like Tool 5 below.
Tool 4 below is identical to 0-3
I tried upping 1% to 2,5% each but it made no changeMaybe some lower limit?
[[language]] M563 P4 S"Cyan" D0:1:2:3:4 H1 ; Define tool 4 G10 P4 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Set tool 4 axis offsets G10 P4 R0 S0 ; Set initial tool 4 active and standby temperatures to 0C ; M568 P4 S1 ; Enable mixing for tool 4 ; M567 P4 E0.01:0.01:0.01:0.01:0.96 ; Set mixing ratios for tool 4 M567 P4 E0.025:0.025:0.025:0.025:0.9 M563 P5 S"All" D0:1:2:3:4 H1 ; Define tool 5 G10 P5 X0 Y0 Z0 ; Set tool 5 axis offsets G10 P5 R0 S0 ; Set initial tool 5 active and standby temperatures to 0C ; M568 P5 S1 ; Enable mixing for tool 5 M567 P5 E0.20:0.20:0.20:0.20:0.20 ; Set mixing ratios for tool 5 -
The lower limit is 1 microstep of extruder movement. If you print a curve (so that the length per segment is small) and you have a low extruder steps/mm, then the number of microsteps for 2.5% of movement in a segment could be <1.
I've just been playing around. I can't print anything at the moment as my machine is in bits but according to my records, I installed firmware 1.19 on 17th August so I would have been using it when I did all the tests and prints for the TCT show and mixing was certainly working then. I also note that I posted the "Aria" print on these forums on 20th August and that used 1% increments of colour (using 1.19).
I'm now on 1.19.2 and have just tried through the web interface and that seems to be working too but maybe a little "flaky". You can't use the drive buttons as they are associated with drives, not tools so will always be 100% of that particular drive regardless of any mixing ratio you may have set for a particular tool. Also the numbering is really annoying as it uses 1 to 5 and tools are defined as starting at 0 (so 0 to 4). This really is a pain as I have mentioned before !!!. So if you define tool 0 that uses primarily drive 0 you have to use the button for drive 1, and button 2 for drive 1 etc.
To test mixing you have to first select the tool and make it active. Actually I think this might be a little flaky and you might need to toggle it between active and standby then back to active but I need to try it a few more times. Then when the tool is active, you can set "Mix" , the amount to extrude and the feedrate then press "Extrude". I just tried it with 0.92:0.2:0.02:0.02:0.02 for all 5 tools and it works as expected.
I've just been playing around. I can't print anything at the moment as my machine is in bits but according to my records, I installed firmware 1.19 on 17th August so I would have been using it when I did all the tests and prints for the TCT show and mixing was certainly working then. I also note that I posted the "Aria" print on these forums on 20th August and that used 1% increments of colour (using 1.19).
I'm now on 1.19.2 and have just tried through the web interface and that seems to be working too but maybe a little "flaky". You can't use the drive buttons as they are associated with drives, not tools so will always be 100% of that particular drive regardless of any mixing ratio you may have set for a particular tool. Also the numbering is really annoying as it uses 1 to 5 and tools are defined as starting at 0 (so 0 to 4). This really is a pain as I have mentioned before !!!. So if you define tool 0 that uses primarily drive 0 you have to use the button for drive 1, and button 2 for drive 1 etc.
To test mixing you have to first select the tool and make it active. Actually I think this might be a little flaky and you might need to toggle it between active and standby then back to active but I need to try it a few more times. Then when the tool is active, you can set "Mix" , the amount to extrude and the feedrate then press "Extrude". I just tried it with 0.92:0.2:0.02:0.02:0.02 for all 5 tools and it works as expected.
I know/knew all that unfortunately (except the button MIX) - unfortunate, as it's nothing new for me to test..
Just tested the MIX button by selecting each tool individually and running loads of filament through them and they all work as they are supposed to.I think it should be made clear that "extruders" are selecting the Drives and not the Tools… I personally hope that the future shows a getting rid of the need for Tool definitions at all and all mixing settings are defined by Gcodes in Slizer instead after feeding slizer with information about colors available pr extruder.
I agree about numbering and I actually started by naming them 1-5 instead of 0-4 manually, but that just makes problems with slizers and such, so had to go back on that one.
I'm IT professional so used to 0s and 1s, but it is a potetial major point of misunderstanding.. in ALL aspects of configurations.You say "as I mentioned before" a couple of times.. where did you mention these things as if they were supposed to be common knowledge?
I have always defined my tools as listed above and they used to work.. I've changed nothing, and suddenly they don't work. I associated it with potential firmware change, but it might of course be some other source of corruption.. either firmware or slizer-profile.
Guess I need to look more close into the Gcodes and why it fails to work.
The lower limit is 1 microstep of extruder movement. If you print a curve (so that the length per segment is small) and you have a low extruder steps/mm, then the number of microsteps for 2.5% of movement in a segment could be <1.
Good info!
I have had it working using 0.025 previously but had some leaks at that point (hard to get 5way diamond not leaking).. while I was retightening it I also updated to 1.19 and changed it to 0.01 which didnn't work.. I later changed back to 0.025.. which didn't work either, so I thought it was 1.19 firmware…
Seeing as the MIX buttons works when selecting each tool seperately I need to look into my Gcode and see what's going on.
In an attempt to offer assistance, I heated my nozzle and unloaded the filament from my 3 colour Diamond that was fitted on the machine. Then I uploaded my config.g file for the 5 colour version. This I then edited to give the same mixing ratios that you were using. Then I ran a series of tests before re-installing the 3 colour config.g and posting my findings. I guess I spent about an hour in total. So I was rather expecting your response to be appreciative or at least neutral. I wasn't expecting what seems like a rant starting with " I know/knew all that …......"
Then you go on to say "You say "as I mentioned before" a couple of times.. where did you mention these things as if they were supposed to be common knowledge? "
Actually if your read my post properly you see that I used that term only once here........... "Also the numbering is really annoying as it uses 1 to 5 and tools are defined as starting at 0 (so 0 to 4). This really is a pain as I have mentioned before !!!. "
So I was referring to the fact that I have previously mentioned (in other posts) that the numbering system is a pain as it is inconsistent. You later agree with this sentiment so why the rant?
You will understand why I feel disinclined to offer you any further assistance.