I wrote a small post on using the Build in 12v Switching Regulator on 24v System on a Duex5 to power/control LEDs.
It can obviously be used for other things, but the main point is how to use this feature, written in a basic non-technical fashion, making it useable for everyone to get started.
I put it on Instructables here, where they featured it!
I use my blog as a sort of draft-posts for instructables, where I put together and boil down the posts in the end, and put on instructables
I've inserted the small post here for easy usage by people:
Use Duex5 to get 12v
Jumper settings
Configure LED in firmware
Further customization options
All done
[h]Use Duex5 to get 12v[/h]
As far as I know the Duex5 (also in Duex2) is the only Controller or Expansions -board for 3D Printers with build-in 12v switching regulator, which means you can easily get 12v even if you use a higher voltage to power your machine (VIN Power - opens Duet3d Glossary) without having to restort to various step-down modules lying around in or outside your printer creating potential for shorts and other errors.
[h]Jumper Settings[/h]
In order to activate this 12v switching we need to:
Put a jumper on the pins marked with nr. 1
Check the FAN jumper nr. 2 is placed on the 12v position
I'm going to use the FAN3 Connector marked with nr. 3 for my LEDs
In case you have difficulty seeing the colors as me, being colorblind, the + wire is to the right side of the 2-pin connector, and - wire on the left side.
Image is part of the original conenctions diagram on Duet3D wiki.
You can also see the full diagram here:
[h]Configure LED in firmware[/h]
We really just need to open the Config.g file and insert a small line under the other fans in our FAN section, like this:
M106 P3 S1; Set fan 3 value for our LED to on.
```It really just put FAN connector 3 on full power.
Further customization options
We can put the power to the LEDs on half (dimming it) by setting S to 0.5 instead of 1, or use the 0-255 range if that's more to your liking.
It also means you can control it using Gcodes to do different things like turning LED on when a print starts and turn it off when a print job ends or what ever you like.
[h]All done[/h]
Here you can see the new jumper on nr 1, set jumper on nr 2 and our LED connector on nr. 3