Adding additional stepper drivers.
I'm currently running a printer with a tool changer using a Duet 2 WiFi and Duex5. This allows me to have 4 tools but I sometimes it would be nice to have one or two more. Yes, I know that will be true regardless of how many tools I have, but please humor me.
It's my understanding that I can add two more drivers to the Duet using a header connector. I assume that this is best done with a small PCB plugged into that header. So, my question is, is there a PCB available for doing this or will I need to roll my own?
@mperdue the nearest thing to a ready made PCB that I know of is an unpopulated RAMPS PCB, to which you can add the sockets for 2 plug-in drivers and the associated 100uF electrolytic capacitors and microstepping selection jumpers.
@mperdue I had a working solution with the BTT exp-mot adapter. It has three sockets, but you can only use two.
Thanks for the replies. I’ll take a look at the available expansion boards and give it a shot.