Is it possible to modify my resurrect.g ?
@t3p3tony No the problem is in ressurect.g, it make a tool change that drops my tool , i dont need any tool changes, and the bigger problem when it move z axis 2mm above last position the next line restore the position of all axes , and if my B axis is 180 degrees , it rotates and hits the Spindle.
@t3p3tony And also i forgot , a need to edit to be able to store my last spindle speed . Is it possible?
@cvetantokov I just realised the Tool commands in resurrect.g that you posted have P0 on them so no action should be taken when they are run.
T-1 P0
T2 P0
that should simply deselect whatever tool is selected (probably none unless you select one in your config.g)
and then reselect tool 2, without running any of the tool change macros.
Can you talk me through what is actually happening during the first 10 lines of your resurrect.g , including the call to resurrect-prologue.galso what do you have in your resurrect-prologue.g?
@t3p3tony This is my resurrect-prologue.g :
; called to resume job after power out. M98 P"homeall.g" G53G0A0B0 M42P0S0 M42P1S1 M42P2S1 M42P6S0 if state.currentTool != -1 G53G0Z80 M42P5S0 G53G1X{global.ToolzeroXcoord}Y-27.4F5000 G53G1Z40F1000 if move.axes[2].machinePosition > 35 G10P1L20 Z{global.ToolZero}; Set tool axis offsets G53G1Z40F1000 G30S-1 G10P1L20 Z{global.ToolZero}; Set tool axis offsets G53G1Z80 M42P5S1 G53G1 X0 Y0 Z80 F5000 ; go save Z else G53G0Z80 echo >"restoreToolNumber.g" "set global.currentToolNumber=-1" T0P0 M291 S2 R"Tool Problem" P"Tool broken or missing!Please check!" abort M42P6S0 G1 R1 X0 Y0 A0 B0 ; go directly above the saved position without Z undefined
The main problems with resurrect.g is line 11 "T1 P6" i have no idea why is "P6" and line 30 -this line move Z axis 2 mm above the stored position , this move is wrong it hits spindle with b axis . Here is my resurrect.g :
; File "0:/gcodes/test.txt" resume print after power failure at 2021-10-14 12:36 G21 T-1 P0 G92 X-33.939 Y-0.670 Z8.521 A-6.975 B187.183 G60 S1 T1 P0 M98 P"resurrect-prologue.g" M116 M290 X0.000 Y0.000 Z0.000 A0.000 B0.000 R0 T-1 P0 T1 P6 ------------------- this is wrong , i think it is firmware issue , if it is "T1 P0" it will be OK ; Workplace coordinates G10 L2 P1 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.79 A0.00 B0.00 G10 L2 P2 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 A0.00 B0.00 G10 L2 P3 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 A0.00 B0.00 G10 L2 P4 X-115.50 Y63.50 Z80.35 A0.00 B0.00 G10 L2 P5 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 A0.00 B0.00 G10 L2 P6 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 A0.00 B0.00 G10 L2 P7 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 A0.00 B0.00 G10 L2 P8 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 A0.00 B0.00 G10 L2 P9 X0.00 Y0.00 Z0.00 A0.00 B0.00 G54 M106 S0.00 M116 G92 E0.00000 M82 M486 S-1 G17 M23 "0:/gcodes/test.txt" M26 S7488 G0 F6000 Z10.521 ------------------------------------------------ this line is very bad , it always hits the spindle. G0 F6000 X-33.939 Y-0.670 A-6.975 B187.183 G0 F6000 Z8.521 G1 F5310.0 P0 G21 M24 undefined
Here is picture of moving 2 mm above stored :

Here is executing the next line:
The last position of B axis was 180 degreses, but before it starts it is at 0 degreses , Z goes 2 mm above stored position , and the returns the B axis to 180 degreses. This hits the spindle.
And one more in Ressurect.g there is no M3 code to start the spindle . -
@cvetantokov said in Is it possible to modify my resurrect.g ?:
the main problems with resurrect.g is line 11 "T1 P6
I have asked @dc42 about why this is happening
@cvetantokov said in Is it possible to modify my resurrect.g ?:
G0 F6000 Z10.521 ------------------------------------------------ this line is very bad , it always hits the spindle.
and there is no way in resurrect-prologue.g for you to move the Z axis and B axis to safe positions first, so that when the resume code runs they are safe?
Nore the less it looks like we need to have the option to do a lot less movement in ressurect.g ant leave most of the movement to resurect-prologue.g
@t3p3tony Yes without tool changes , and without move Z axis 2 mm above the stored position , with this configuration it works perfect.When i manualy comment lines with tool changes and Z axis move above 2mm , it resurrects perfectly .
@cvetantokov the resume process needs to place the tool at a sensible point to start the job. so in your case its not safe to go to Z+", then ro correctly orient the other axis, then to close the last of the Z gap. but that is the safe thing to do with a machine without a rotational axis. We will have to consider a general way to get the tool in the right point to start the job. It can't be set in resurrect-prologue because each start point is different.
@t3p3tony So maybe first X Y coordinates, then B and A axis , and then move Z to the possition , and the it is able to be at 2 mm above stored Z.
I manage to do it with by tricky way , i addet a "echno" command in my resurrect-prologue.g that it deletes my ressurect.g , and it worked.
; called to resume job after power out. M98 P"homeall.g" G53G0A0B0 M42P0S0 M42P1S1 M42P2S1 M42P6S0 if state.currentTool != -1 G53G0Z80 M42P5S0 G53G1X{global.ToolzeroXcoord}Y-27.4F5000 G53G1Z40F1000 G30S-1 if move.axes[2].machinePosition > 35 G10P1L20 Z{global.ToolZero}; Set tool axis offsets G53G1Z40F1000 G30S-1 G10P1L20 Z{global.ToolZero}; Set tool axis offsets G53G1Z80 M42P5S1 G53G1 X0 Y0 Z80 F5000 ; go save Z M3S30000 else G53G0Z80 echo >"restoreToolNumber.g" "set global.currentToolNumber=-1" T0P0 M291 S2 R"Tool Problem" P"Tool broken or missing!Please check!" abort M42P6S0 echo >"resurrect.g" "G53G0Z80" ; replace resurrect.g G1 R1 X0 Y0 A0 B0 ; go directly above the saved position without Z undefined
it starts the resurrect.g , which contains the stored position , and store it by G60 S1 , then it starts the resurrect-prologue.g which makes calibration and in the end i use "echo >"resurrect.g" "G53G0Z80" ; replace resurrect.g " to replace resurrect.g , and it worked perfectly.
@CvetanTokov related github issue: