Duet 2 Ethernet Port Issue
Good morning,
We purchased a Duet 2 Ethernet, but it seems that we can´t get the ethernet port to work. Here you can see in the picture that the rest of the lights are on, but the ethernet port light is off. We have confirmed with the IT department that the ethernet cable is working properly and followed the corresponding documentation: https://docs.duet3d.com/en/How_to_guides/Getting_connected/Getting_connected_to_your_Duet
Could you please help us resolve this issue?
@Pritonic Can you see how the board is bending because you just screwed it down to a piece of wood?! I'd guess the board is bent so much the ethernet board has popped out. Please use some standoffs under the board (like the Duex board next to it).
Wow - takes a lot of force to deform a a PCB like that, wouldn’t be surprised if it’s permanently damaged!
@elmoret on top, that's an efficient way to block cooling