Selective probing...
Hi! As the owner of a RailCore with one of the MRW magnetic beds (3x3 mesh of big magnets), I've been plagued with issues trying to use a BLtouch and mesh compensation -- the BLTouch just doesn't work quite right near those magnets!
I was excited to see the 3.5.0 support for selective probing (G29 S4). So, I installed the 3.5.0b4 today to give it a try. It works, I think? The visualization is unusual due to the skipped points (see below). But I assume interpolation will do the right thing even in regions that aren't "green" in the visualizer? Or am I setting myself up for trouble?
Relevant stuff:
M557 X38:288 Y40:270 P5:5 ; 5x5 grid including 9 points right over magnets
My new probePoints.csv:
RepRapFirmware probe points file v2 generated at 2023-06-30 13:18, min error -0.107, max error 0.087, mean 0.004, deviation 0.039 axis0,axis1,min0,max0,min1,max1,radius,spacing0,spacing1,num0,num1 X,Y,38.00,288.00,40.00,270.00,-1.00,62.49,57.49,5,5 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 0, 1, 0, 1, 0 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 0, 1, 0, 1, 0
@paralepsis In case anyone finds this -- mesh compensation appears to be working fine, even though the visualization looks sketchy.
@paralepsis one for @Sindarius
That looks cool! I’ll have to look into the tiling code for the visual
@Sindarius Just a ping; this odd visualization is still present in 3.5.0rc2.
@paralepsis I'll have to look at it some more, part of the problem is that the visualization uses a marching algorithm to connect the points with each other. Since you are going between even and odd number of points it causes the drawing algorithm to not connect the points in a reliable fashion. I can look at interpolating a fake points to complete the mesh.
@Sindarius thanks!
@paralepsis Can you post your heightmap.csv
@Sindarius sure!