Induktiv Sensor für Z-Probe an Duet 3 Mini 5+ anschliessen
@frankyisfix I've just updated the documentation to be clearer. It now says:
Duet 3: connect the output of the sensor directly to an available pin.
Duet 3 inputs are 30V tolerant. For the other wires:
All Duets: Connect the sensor ground wire to a ground pin on the Duet, and the sensor's + power wire to a suitable voltage (typically to VIN because these sensors usually need between 6 and 30V power).
Firmware configuration:
Select mode 5 (P5) in the M558 command. Invert the probe output by prefixing the input pin name (C parameter) with ! character (RRF 3.x)
M558 P5 C"!" H5 F120 T3000 ; Z probe connected to io6 input Ian
@droftarts wäre es möglich, dass du mir dies genauer erklären kannst? hab alles versucht, klappte aber nicht:(
um eine genaue verdrahtung wäre ich froh!
@frankyisfix Please post a link to the sensor's datasheet, ideally in English (Google translate is the only reason I can understand what you are saying!), so we can see the wiring and specification.
@droftarts Leider habe ich kein pinout für den schalter, jedoch habe ich dies gefunden: 46617140f61fd1d8.jpg
ich habe dir noch meine einstellungen als bild, ist dies richtig?: duet3_mini5+_v0.5-v1.02_d1.5_wiring.pdf
@frankyisfix While you can use the temperature input, I would not, and your config.g is actually set to use
In your config.g you have:
While you have connected the probe to a temp input and set this in config.g, you have a second definition,
after this, which will override the first. This is a better pin to connect the probe to.Connect the brown wire to the VIN+ screw terminal, connect the blue wire to the VIN GND screw terminal (just like the picture in your first post) and wire the black signal wire to
In config.g, delete this line:
M558 P5 C"^!temp2" H3 F6000 T60000
Replace it with this line:
M558 P5 C"!" H5 F120 T3000
Check this works before increasing speeds.
Also, don't use^
pull up resistor on ANY inputs on Duet 3 (eg endstops), it is not needed.
Lastly, it would be much easier if you just posted the pictures, and your config.g as text, rather as images in pdfs.Ian
@droftarts I solved the problem and it worked! I have attached the schematic as a picture: