[3.5.0-rc3+] M108 (cancel heating) is not working.
I just noticed that the M108 command is not working... at least it does not work in RRF 3.5.0-rc3+. Unfortunately, I have no system running a stable version for testing if the problem is limited to the beta.
@MaxGyver How are you sending the M108? A caveat is that M108 will only work if sent from an input channel that is not blocked. So if you send e.g. M109 or M190 from the DWC console and then send M108 from that console, the M108 will be blocked by the M109 or M190. If you can post the steps you took to produce this error, that would be great.
Edit: I have added the above as a note to the M108 entry in the G-code dictionary.
Okay now I am confused...
From the M108 description I understood that the purpose of this command is to break out of an M109, M116, M190 or M191 wait-for-temperature loop.When I send an M190 S60 over the console followed by an M108, the input channel is blocked until the bed reaches its set temperature of 60°.
The same goes for macros:
;M108 test echo "setting bed temp!" M140 S60 ; set bed temp G4 S1 echo "sending M108" M108 Max
@MaxGyver those M108 commands are coming from the same input channel. If you run M109 et al in a macro, cancel it by sending M108 from the console in DWC; I think that shouldn’t be blocked.
@droftarts said in [3.5.0-rc3+] M108 (cancel heating) is not working.:
If you run M109 et al in a macro, cancel it by sending M108 from the console in DWC; I think that shouldn’t be blocked.
Yes, that works. Thank you very much for clearing that up!