duet 3 6xd
When and where did you purchase the Duet?
If you connect the board to the network and startup with M552 S1 in the config.g file on the SD card does it get an IP address on our router?
@gardon64 the board is 2 years old got it from duet 3d and no to your question it has been working fine up to now i have tried to erase the board now get nothing
Can you work through this guide and see where you get?
@gardon64 now done all above still no joy pls help the only lights on are red green red to the left of usb
Have you disconnected all other wiring?
Is this a new build or an existing printer? Has it worked before? Did anything change recently?
When and where did you purchase the Duet?
has been fine and working all disconnected now trying to reprogram purchased from duet 3d
@gardon64 sorry this has been used for cnc had it for about 18 months
@gardon64 can you pls help
@gardon64 said in duet 3 6xd:
hi all pc wont connect to my duet 3 6xd
red green red led lit but i get this error Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed) pls helpIf the 6XD is not running firmware (in which case it should flash the red STATUS LED once a second) then it is probably in Bossa mode. When in Bossa mode the MCU unfortunately puts the USB port in high speed mode, which makes it very sensitive to the cable. In particular, using cables longer than the recommended maximum for USB, or using USB extension cables, is likely to result in the "Device Descriptor Request Failed" message that you report. So try a good quality USB cable, making sure that it is a data cable and not a power-only cable.
If you are not sure whether the board is in Bossa mode, you can put it in Bossa mode by fitting the Erase jumper and then pressing the Reset button. Remove the Erase jumper before you use Bossa to program it.
jest a note to say thank you for all your help you were spot on about the usb cable
not back together yet but working -
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