jest a note to say thank you for all your help you were spot on about the usb cable
not back together yet but working

Best posts made by gardon64
RE: duet 3 6xd
Latest posts made by gardon64
RE: wiring for touch probe on duet 3 6xd
not a bl touch.
jest two wire, plate and crocodile clip -
wiring for touch probe on duet 3 6xd
having trouble with set up of touch probe on duet 3 6xd
cant seam to get the wiring right am i right that it is an analogue type with 2 wires
also can you tell me if there is a ready made macro for the probing thanks in advance -
RE: duet 3 6xd
jest a note to say thank you for all your help you were spot on about the usb cable
not back together yet but working -
RE: duet 3 6xd
@gardon64 sorry this has been used for cnc had it for about 18 months
RE: duet 3 6xd
has been fine and working all disconnected now trying to reprogram purchased from duet 3d
RE: duet 3 6xd
@gardon64 now done all above still no joy pls help the only lights on are red green red to the left of usb
RE: duet 3 6xd
@gardon64 the board is 2 years old got it from duet 3d and no to your question it has been working fine up to now i have tried to erase the board now get nothing
duet 3 6xd
hi all pc wont connect to my duet 3 6xd
red green red led lit but i get this error Unknown USB Device (Device Descriptor Request Failed) pls help