CoreXY retrofit candidates?
I have a fairly geeked out Ender 3 with a Duet 2 ethernet and also a spare Duet 2 wifi board. I'm thinking of ditching the bed slinger and settling on one enclosed coreXY. The WiFi was originally in a 300 x 300 x 300 coreXY I built from scratch. I'd be pretty happy with 200 x 200 now. But I would like mostly metal kinematic parts if possible. Is there a thread or group somewhere tracking the best options for Duet retrofits. I realize it raises a thousand question. One thing I stumbled into recently was a RatRig kit. I have been out of the game a while, and honestly I just want to build one fairly reliable printer I can pull out of the closet from time to time. My Ender is E3D v6 / Bondtech, and I was thinking maybe the new E3D or a Slice engineering. Hoping to optimize for Matterhackers Ryno and/or PETG-CF class of materials. I have a lot of Ryno I never used. I print engineering and functional parts, not art or game related stuff. I'm not exactly sure if it makes sense to retrofit any modern coreXY Asia built printer these days.
@3dmntbighker disclosure: I am on the Ratrig beta team, so feel free to dismiss my opinion.
The Ratrig v3.1 200 would almost have fit your ticket except it had quite the amount of plastic parts and needs 6 drivers due to the triple z bed tramming setup.Its also out of production now.
RatRig v4 is mostly metal, but again requires 6 drivers (8 for the hybrid corexy version, 9 for the idex version), so a Duet3 machine with expansion and toolboards is the better choice for it.
It might be worth looking at the SK range if printers or a RailcoreII as well, or if you want to keep the option for a tool changer, probably Jubilee as well
@oliof Thanks, I just realized that my original Duet is the Maestro. The Ender has the Ethernet board. The Maestro is in a drawer. Actually, I would REALLY prefer to go the CAN bus route now that I think about it. I guess my Maestro is retired for good
It sounds like the RatRig 4 with a newer Duet may be top of the list. I have a LOT of the bones left over from my old CoreXY. Not least of which a REALLY sweet industrial 24 volt PSU I scored.