Input shaping user interface bug? Or just user confusion?
Hi everyone,
So over the break I have a bit of time to finally wire up an accelerometer and try out input shaping on my Duet 3 Mini 5+ powered Little Monster delta printer.
Almost everything looks right, except when I record a motion profile, the window that pops up shows a different frequency that what I've selected in the lower right of the screen.
Then, once the motion profile is created, its label shows 40Hz also.
What's going on? Where does the 40Hz comes from??? That's not the filter frequency I want.
I'm running the latest firmware, 3.5.4. I had a search of the forums to find out more and it looks like the input shaping will be changing for 3.6, so not sure if this is a bug and if so may not be worth chasing.
I was also wondering about the pros and cons of a lower damping factor. I couldn't find any information on this anywhere. DWC looks to use 0.1 as a default, but a lower value like 0.01 seems to lower resonances even further. No doubt there is some trade off by using a very low value though?
Here's the printer with accelerometer and cable in place, just for interest:
@martinv Did you click the tick box next to the 29.5 Hz after you entered it?