Shared wires by voltage
I'm thinking to combine wires by voltage, like one wire from the main board to the print head for each GND, +3.3V, +5V, +12V and +24V. And we can provide an additional +12V DC (but one common connected GND).
For the 6HC board, the PWM pins are usually on the lower voltage side. So for the heater and fan, we can still share one +24V, but use separate PWM wires.
Has anybody tried this, any suggestions?
@zuoyan bear in mind that fans and heaters etc all switch on the negative side. It's fine to bundle the +24 etc together but each of the above needs it's own separate ground.
@zuoyan have you considered fitting a CAN-FD toolboard instead?
@zuoyan With a 3D printer or CNC router, you typically need multiple harnesses - in some few of them you might be able to combine voltages or GND. Connectors, plugs and sockets must then be carefully chosen to allow for high currents. All signal lines and connections to sensors, end stops and the like should be kept separate, sometimes they even need shielding - don’t trick with these. @jay_s_uk is right when he suggests to use CAN-FD toolboards: this is by far the most effective solution to avoid wiring nightmares.
Thanks. I agree that a toolboard is easier.
I had a clone of 1LC board causing heater fault when printing in a enclosure (MCU T >= 81C). I'm waiting for new boards from Filafarm. If the problem persists, I may have to consider a version w/o a toolboard.