4 Z Axis Leadscrews
I am trying to figure out how to use the firmware configuration tool to set up a printer with 2 motors on the Y axis, and 4 on the Z axis. Is this done under the "kinematics" section? Cartesian CoreXYUV?
I see down in Axes, the ability to add an axis, however I dont see how an axis letter is specified to be a second Y axis, or a 2nd, 3rd, or 4th Z axis.
@Snyggis-0 morning, if I've read your post right your looking for an additional axis, not assigning motors to axes? if that's the case you need to add the axis to M584.
Rn (optional, supported in RRF 3.2beta1 and later) 0 = axes created in this command are linear, 1 = axes created are rotational. If not present, then RRF 3.2beta3 and later assume UVW are linear and ABCD are rotational.
the additional "Y" axis would actually be labelled "U" and you then assign which drive you are using to it.
@Snyggis-0 This wasn't possible with the old config tool, but is if you're using the latest one: https://configtool.reprapfirmware.org/Configuration.
There's a '+' icon in the driver column:
Make sure you have enough drivers defined first.