Question about some hardware I found
I've got to scrap my cheap Chinese CoreXY machine. I only bought it to see what CoreXY was all about. But its flimsy cantilever bed is really frustrating.
So I am going to replace it.
I've been doing "spring cleaning" and taking inventory in my workshop. I ran across a BOM kit for a HypercCube Evolution (2 Z axes) and a BOM kit for a BLV MGN12 Cube (3 Z axes) with the metal bits.
Are either of these worth putting together?
I have enough hardware and electronics so the only "cost" would be my time.
I'm would like to avoid a retail machine as I hate to move away from the Duet world.
Any input is welcome.
Thanks, Frederick
I've heard good things about the BLV cube.
@fcwilt I'd call the Hypercube (2016) and BLV (2019) '1st Gen' CoreXY machines. The BLV uses a lot of 20x40 extrusion.
For self-builds, there seems little point in building anything other than a Voron (0, 2.4 or Trident) at the moment, just because it gives you lots of options for toolheads. I think other notable self-build options are the RatRig Vcore 3 or 4 (though uses 30x30mm extrusion) and perhaps the VZbot. There's a couple of other newcomers, but nothing that has got a significant following, as far as I can tell.
@fcwilt said in Question about some hardware I found:
I would advise against the Hypercube. There are a few weak spots.
There are almost no original parts left on mine.
I prefer the BLV, but I would build the frame differently.
If you want to build a up-to-date printer, I would recommend a Ratgig V-Core.