Duet WiFi in access point mode
How strange! It's working fine for me, although I am using a later version of DuetWiFiServer. My suggestions:
1. Upgrade to DuetWiFiServer.bin 1.21RC2. Also upgrade main firmware to 1.21RC2 because I am not certain whether the new WiFi firmware is compatible with the older main firmware.
2. If that doesn't solve the problem, send M588 S"*" to clear the flash memory, then use M589 to set the access point details again.
HTH David
I upgraded to 1.21RC2 and tried clearing the flash but I am still struggling with the same problem. A simple send from the terminal activates the access point, but it will still not connect on startup.
How and where in the config.g do you have your M552 S2 command?
I have M552 S2 near the beginning, after setting the machine name. It shouldn't matter where because the network is not activated until config.g has been fully processed.
I'll review the network startup code.
Currently running (downloaded today):
[[language]] Firmware Version: 1.21 RC2 (2018-02-15 build 2)) WiFi Server Version: 1.21 RC2 Web Interface Version: 1.20 I configured M589 like said here , like so:
[[language]] file config.g: ; network M552 S0 ; M589 S"MY_PRINTER" P"psswrd123456" I192.168.2.100 ; access point M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP M552 S2 But this only works, when I send "M552 S2" AGAIN via console, after the board booted. I did put "M552 S2" into the config.g, but appearently, this doesn't help?! Do I have to put the M552 S2 somewhere else?
Before I do send M552 S2 via console, the DUET creates an unsecured network called "AI-THINKER_0AEB5B", which I can connect to, but can not reach the web-interface. After sending M552 S2, the network "MY_PRINTER" is available (and the blue LED on the wifi-module is on) and the "AI-THINKER…" network disappears. -
What happens if you remove the M552 S0 and M589 commands from config.g? The M589 parameters are saved on the WiFi module so no need to keep resetting them.
ok, changed config.g to:
[[language]] ; network M586 P0 S1 ; Enable HTTP M552 S2 ; Enable network M586 P1 S0 ; Disable FTP M586 P2 S0 ; Disable Telnet Restarted (from the prompt in the webinterface after changing the config). Then:
[[language]] SENT: M552 READ: WiFi module is idle If I put M552 S1, the Duet connects to my homenetwork, if I put M552 S2, the duet starts the accesspoint (wifi module is providing accesspoint…).
But it does not start it on its own after bootup. -
I don't know if it will help, but please try putting the M586 parameters before the M552. Or omit them, because the default is to enable HTTP only anyway.
I did remove all M586 commands, but everything is still the same.
Is there a way to call a macro automatically after boot up? This way I could force to load a macro with M552 S2 in it after the boot up…
Even though I haven't yet been able to reproduce this, I've added it to the list of issues to investigate before the 1.21 firmware release.
Even though I haven't yet been able to reproduce this, I've added it to the list of issues to investigate before the 1.21 firmware release.
ok, thank you.
^^^ This is the exact same problem I have been having. No matter how I change the config.g, The access point will not start automatically after Boot up. I have to manually enter M552 S2 through the console to turn it on. Once on, though, it has been flawless.
Ok, i fiddled around this evening and found out, that the accesspoint works EVERY TIME, when using:
8 caps letters for SSID and 8 caps letters for the password. Example:
[[language]] M589 S"MEINDUET" P"MEINWIFI" I192.168.178.250; As soon as the SSID contains lowcase-letters or numbers, it doesn't work anymore. Same for the password. And using less or more digits than 8 doesn't work too.
Have you tried firmware 1.21RC3 yet? I made a change that should improve it, see the release notes.
Have you tried firmware 1.21RC3 yet? I made a change that should improve it, see the release notes.
I updated to RC3 on firmware and webserver, and RC4 on the interface, and a quick test with:
[[language]] M589 S"test123" P"test123" I192.168.178.250; didn't work. Back to all capital letters and 8 per parameter and it is functional again.
How did you send the M589 command to the Duet? After sending it, did you send M589 without parameters to confirm that it had stored the right details, including the lowercase characters in the SSID?
The SSID of my delta is Kossel, the password includes lowercase characters, and I can connect to it.
I did test it via macro.
This did not work:
[[language]] ; SetNetwork macro to set up access to dummy test Wifi network M552 S0; G4 S5; M589 S"test123" P"test123" I192.168.178.250; G4 S5; M552 S2; This works everytime:
[[language]] ; SetNetwork macro to set up access to dummy test Wifi network M552 S0; G4 S5; M589 S"MEINDUET" P"MEINWIFI" I192.168.178.250; G4 S5; M552 S2; Noticed, that since using RC3, changing from M552 S2 over M552 S0 to M552 S1 doesn't work sometimes.
Using the makro:[[language]] M552 S0; G4 S5; M552 S1; sometimes results in:
[[language]] WiFi module is idle Failed to change WiFi mode (code -7) executing the macro or M552 S1 again does work in this case.
"test123" is an invalid password, because WPA2 passwords must be at least 8 characters. I'll add a check on the password length when processing M589.
I too have seen the "failed to change mode" message, and I will investigate it.
- 4 months later
know this is old, but thinking I might be able to do this over the weekend as I'm bringing my printer to ERRF event and would like to be able to run it? kinda confused on the exact actions I need to do as You guy kinda jumped back and forth.. but from what I gathered.. I can ..
Send M589 followed with some info here? but what how format/details? (S "Name of access" P "Password" then an I "IP address" I can just make up?)
Send M552 S2 (will it auto restart or do I need to restart it?)
and then just sign into it with a phone/tablet?how badly and I off?
I used it last week. I think a nice option would be an automatic hotspot when no saved network is in range.
Do a search of the documentation for access point and check the associated gcode commands in the gcode wiki. That should get you started.