Wifi access from anywhere
Hi all,
I've had my Duet WiFi for about 6 months or so now, and my printer is finally almost finished (yay!). Everything is working the way I'd hoped, but I have a general question regarding the Duet's WiFi capabilities that I can't find the answer to anywhere. Can the web control interface only be accessed through a local connection? For example, do my computer and the Duet have to be connected through the same wireless network? Or is there a way that I can access my printer while I am at work or school?Thank you in advanced!
They is a way - I need to setup for example a VPN in you network.
This depends more on your network than the Duet itself. Normally for a home network, the answer is "local only".
DO NOT simply "forward" your Duet to the internet. This is a serious security risk, even if the Duet has passwords activated.
Instead, set up a "reverse proxy". There are many of these, and many guides for them. Do you also have a webcam who's link you put into Duet Web Control? If so, you'll want to reverse proxy it as well.
There should be a guide for reverse proxy setup right in the wiki to keep people from opening up ports willy nilly.
@phaedrux said in Wifi access from anywhere:
There should be a guide for reverse proxy setup right in the wiki to keep people from opening up ports willy nilly.
Thanks for volunteering to write that page!!
I realized I was volunteering as I said it. I'll see what I can do.
the less safer way is port forward...
designate a random port number that doesn't crash with any other apps... (like above 9000.... such as 9145)
and setup a dyndns name and port forward your duetwifi IP address on your router port 80 to that port (such as 9145) and then try access your dyndns (such as myprinterduetwifi.dyndns.com:9145) and you should be able to login -
@danal I do not have a webcam at the moment. I’ll probably add one in the future, but for the time being I’d just like to be able to control my printer from anywhere, so If I need something last minute I can start it from work/school. I’ll check out setting up a reverse proxy. Thanks!