I can't get the Bltouch working
Thanks for the help
Sorry, but I'm kind of out of ideas at this point anyway.
All I can say is go back to the beginning. Double check wiring. Follow those guides.
It weird that the probe is the only problem
Do you have a mechanical end stop to use in the meantime?
It's possible that your bltouch is damaged.
You could try cleaning the pin. There's a set screw on the top to remove and adjust the pin.
I have a different BLTouch I can try. How do I add a mechanical end stop to Z. I don't know how in the firmware.
Thank you
I have the BLTouch on the machine just unplugged I will let you know how it goes. Do I just go back to https://configurator.reprapfirmware.org and redo the whole thing. or is there a quick fix.
No you don't need to redo the configurator. You should be able to just plug the new bltouch in and see if it does the same thing.
I did that it does the same thing X and Y home and with the new probe does the same thing as the video.
@saltypetz said in I can't get the Bltouch working:
G31 X0 Y0 Z0 P25
Try changing this to G31 X0 Y0 Z0 P500
@saltypetz said in I can't get the Bltouch working:
I did that it does the same thing X and Y home and with the new probe does the same thing as the video.
The probe of the BLtouch shouldn't do the dance move (in&out) all the time.
If this still happens with your new BLtouch you really should check the wiring and configuration again.The probe should move two times out&in when the printer is powered up, then it should stay rectracted (in).
If your BLtouch does this fine the next thing to check if you can manually deploy and retract the probe with the commands:
for Deploy: M280 P3 S10 I1
for Retract: M280 P3 S90 I1My BLTouch Z-Probe is always shown in the webinterface with a value of "0", but it works fine for me. As it is mentioned in the guides, the value may change so fast when probing that it just isn't displayed when it is triggered.
Is this is all working for you to this point ? This has to work before trying to probe the bed makes sense.
Now for some reason I can't get in the wifi web page I have tried everything. Pronnterface work with the plug in and YAT. The Wifi light on the wifi board is on without turning off solid blue. I can turn it off with YAT and back on then solid again. I can't get in the Duet page with the wire pluged in.
In Pronterface face it moves x and y all homes Z stops before bed then probe up and down. I still can't in the wifi. I tried all the comands.
Just got back in something happen to the sd card all the files where gone just get in back on line.
I must be getting close. I am going to post a few pictures. There is one problem I never had I home X and the motor keeps running like the endstop is not working.
All you have to do is add this to chrome and you can see the pictures.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/372llgg43gdg7mt/20180509_130548.jpg?dl=0Thank you as alway for the help
I have it printing with no filament but it is printing high above the bed with simplify3D. The BLT pin is down light is off. Some has to be a little for in my setting I used the other person Tevo black widow information to try to make it work i will post a video of what I have now. How do i post the video so it will shop up here.

Thank for any help I have been trying for weeks.
You can upload your video to YouTube and post the link here.
I uploaded the video but I cant make it show up here.
I really think it is something in my setting. I copy the other tevo black widow and tried it and it didn't work.
Which firmware version are you using? Look on the Settings General page of DWC or send M115 to check.
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Firmware Version: 1.21 (2018-03-21)
WiFi Server Version: 1.21
Web Interface Version: 1.19.3M115
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 1.21 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later FIRMWARE_DATE: 2018-03-21