Lost connection after Erase button push
Hello there,
I kinda meshed up with my duet wifi and I can not connect to it.
The story is: Went online to riprap firmware calculator and made my profile. Uploaded to the board and then started navigating through the pages when suddenly I got disconnected.
After that i wasn't able to connect again through my browser so I tried the terminal (Mac OS) where the board returned an error for the bed mesh that it was to narrow and I should try something else also giving me a suggestion of bigger that 23mm (something like that, i can't recall)
I thought that by pressing the erase button on the board it would do something like factory reset but now is even worse. Even terminal when I send a "screen /dev/tty.usbmodem1411" returns that it can not find PTY.
Any advise?
Thanks in advance
@ckostikas The erase button actually does what its name implies: it erases the firmware from the board. Look at https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Installing_and_Updating_Firmware#Section_Fallback_procedure_Num_3 how to flash it back.
P.S.: It says somewhere in the middle of the text that you need a Windows or Linux PC but further down it says that the Linux way (using bossa) also works for Mac.
Yep.. And they put the erase button right next to the reset button to make it easier for you to find it.
@wilriker thanks! I’ll give it a go and let you know if something goes wrong!
@shadowx can see what happened there?? Dead sure i’m not the only one
that's why they moved the erase button a bit further back on the board in the newer pcb revisions...