Multiple duex5 baords?
Hi all,
I'm in the process of build a 3d printer and I have a dumb question I just want confirmed. If I understand the board specs correctly it is not possible to add 2 duex5 boards to a single Duet wifi. Is this correct?
Reason being is I'd like to add a tool change function, similar to 3ds, and a filimement changer like the new Prusa multi-material handler. The material handeler alone it 3 stepers. One of the tools I'd like to have is a diamond (3) as well as a few different special material heads.
Can't do two Duex5s, but can do an extra 2 external steppers through a connector on the Duet Wifi/Ethernet, bringing the total stepper drivers to 12.
3 for X/Y/Z, 3 for multimaterial, would leave 6 for your tool changing.
Thanks.. !! I'll look into that. I'm still in the design phase of everything so i'll look and see if there may be a another way of doing multi-material instead of directly form the duet. I know in interviews Prusa mentioned that they are using a arduino for the material handler so maybe I can do the same and use one of the data parts. I wanted to map each material in the changer as a tool and use the Tx command to switch between materials. this may still be possible as i haven't gotten all the way through the documentation.