Text input boxes
I often found myself trying to set exact values for Extrusion Factors and Speed Factor using the sliders and not being able to set it from the first try.
I would love to have a text box for both controls where I could input the value needed and just press enter.Thank you,
MirceaI would love this too. Same for fan speed etc. Maybe a checkbox somewhere, where users can enable/disable text and slider input, and even have both options available.
Anyone working on an alternative? The sliders really are super annoying.
On the smartphone, I always inadvertently move the fan slider
+1 for dumping the sliders and replacing them with something else easier to use.
Another vote for text boxes and +/- buttons so you can quickly change the setting in a fine-grained manner without having to keyboard.
And for fan controls too, please.
I do also like the sliders, though.
It would be nice if the slider would snap to some of the values, for example returning the slider back to 100 is quite tricky, if it would snap to 100 that would help a lot.
It would be nice if the slider would snap to some of the values, for example returning the slider back to 100 is quite tricky, if it would snap to 100 that would help a lot.
I would be happy to see the sliders go and be replaced with editbox/spinner combination. On a mobile device, it is impossible to accurately control the sliders!
I'm guessing this isn't going to happen. It's hard for me to imagine anyone prefers sliders over text boxes. I don't know anything about developing software but surely we're not asking for the impossible here. Sliders for fan speed, fine. But for speed and extrusion? Definitely need something more precise.
This is actually one of the next items left on my TODO list, so you can expect it fairly soon. I would have delayed this a bit longer since I've been planning an upgrade to another HTML framework but because several other people would like to get this feature I will try to implement it by the end of next week.
Wow...thanks. No need to rush, though. It's enough to know it's on the list.