how to code multiple x,y,z motors on deut wifi with the duex5
Im making my custom printer with 2 extruders, 1 x motor, 2 y motors, and 4 z motors. im having issues trying to figure out how to setup the firmware to control the motors on the duex5. how could I achieve this. Thank you.
@fatboy please can you explain how you would like to wire them?
I assume you have the 4 Z motors connected to Drives 5,6,7,8 on the Duex5 (E2.,E3.E4.E5 as labelled).
They would allow you to have the 2 Y motos on drive 1 and 2 on the Duet (Y and Z as labelled). X can stay on X and the extruders can be on E0 and E1 on the Duet?
Have you had a look at the Duet and Duex wiring diagrams: you know which drive numbers you are connecting which motor to then you use M584 to map them to the appropriate axis:
For the configuration I describes above that would be:
M584 X0 Y1:2 Z5:6:7:8 E3:4
Make sure you have the command in the right place in config.g:
The M584 command must come before the M350 and M906 commands in your config,g file and also before all other commands that refer to any new axes you create e.g. M92, M201, M203, M208 and M566.
If you have 4 independent Z axis they presumably you want to use bed levelling using independent Z drivers, see: -
awesome thank you for the help. i didnt think to put all the z motors on the duex and have the second y on the z on the duet. I dint think of using the z motors to level it. im making my printer 1200x1200x700 so i just put 4 for the strength but to use them to level will be very useful. -
@fatboy That's a big printer. Please post some pictures when you've got it running. Good luck.