40mm cooling fan duct for Smart Effector - thoughts?
Yes, I use the same for both.
Hi love your design, could you share the stp/step files ? at least for the "Duct_-_no_accessories_v1.00" part ?
I'm struggling right now in Fusion 360 with the stl, there more than 45k meshes
@hergonoway Unfortunately the CAD package I use does not support STP files so I can't do that.
That fan I a cool idea. I used this one for a 40mm noctua on mine
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2844881 -
@rgn01 I was sad at first because working with this amount of mesh kill my Fusion360... and working from mesh is really not my cup of tea... but your idea of using a 40mm fan made its way into my mind
I've ended up designing my version from scratch in order to handle 3mm holes for fan with hexa nut lock and working as a shield with berdair support (for original tube size but also 1/8" tube size), so thank you !!
@hergonoway that is pretty much the ultimate mount for the effector ;)) would you mind sharing the model? thanks!
@rgn01 Cool! is that a 40/20 blower fan?
@hergonoway that looks very good. Sorry I couldn't help directly and save you the trouble of redesigning it!
@chipsa82 on the early photos with a blower, yes. The Noctua on the later version is a 40 x 10. I have shared my version on Thingiverse https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2844881
@chipsa82 I'll post it on thingiverse in few days, need to rework some clearance for that damn screw under the fan duct
First prototype print works like a charm
@rgn01 did you encountered some issue with a noctua? In terms of CFM I mean.
I was a bit concerned to the amount of air during first prints. Didn't try ABS or more exotic high temp materials.
I swapped recently to adda fan (because 24v) (réf AD0424HB-G7, but ad0424hs-g70 works almost the same) works really well if you managed to find one under 10$.
@hergonoway No, I've used the same 40x10 Noctua on my other printer with a e3d Chimera printing two colour with ABS and it works just fine.
@Hergonoway I wasn't able to find your file on thingiverse, mind linking it?