Layer fan not working
I've just recently finished a rebuild of my printer, the major change is a 24V high pressure layer fan (BerdAir 24V). The fan takes a PWM signal from the Duet but is powered straight from the PSU. It works flawlessly from the main control but seems to be having issues when instructed by GCode (see picture), basically it won't run during an actual print. If I start it manually it runs for about one second before being stopped.
Any ideas on what's upsetting Duet?
@commlxiv how do you mean the fan runs from the main control but not during a print? If you use
M106 Pnn Svv
where nn is the fan number and vv is the speed what happens? -
Tried that just now, it works fine. But during a print the fan doesn't run and the Duet control screen just shows a series of error messages.
@commlxiv what command worked exactly? Compare that to what is actually in the gcvode file you are trying to print.
From the image it looks like its sending M106 with no parameters?
Interesting, the GCode from KISSlicer just seems to send M106 then M107. I guess the slicer software needs to be configured to send a proper M106 command with parameters?
I found a setting in KISSlicer, ticked a box for "Fan can do PWM" and added "P0" to the fan on command to specify the layer fan. I'll see how it goes but it seems like the right track. Thanks for the help!
@commlxiv Thsat sounds very likely to be the issue!