Can't figure out error short to ground with specific stepper
I am attempting to hook up an escap (now Portscap) P430 258 005 01 disc magnet stepper motor to Duet 2 Wifi V1.01 running 2.01(RTOS) (2018-07-26b2).
I have 4 of these steppers and I have tried 2 of them so far with the same results. Wiring on drive 3 with 1B to B+, 1A to A+, 2A to A-, 2B to B- and I tried 1B to A+, 1A to B+, 2A to B-, 2B to A- . Nothing hooked up to the stepper shaft, allowing cold extrudes, trying to extrude 1mm at 5mm/s. I kept current low at 500ma, E1200 steps/mm, and E16 microstepping to start with. First attempt motor will shake but shaft not turn then go into holding low whine and then quiet. Second attempt causes "Driver 3: short-to-ground standstill, SG min/max 0/1023". Shutting down then plugging in a standard NEMA 17 and powering back up and it works fine.
The windings are wired in parallel from the manufacture and I got them second hand from an unknown OEM application. They look brand new and the windings ohm out correctly*, and no unexpected leakage between them or the case at 500V with a megger.
*They ohm consistent at 1.7 in parallel instead of 2.5 as the spec sheet shows I assume because the OEM asked for different than standard windings.
I would like to try one of these for a highly geared Nimble (30/1 IIRC) extruder due to their low rotor inertia and the high speed pull in and pull out from the torque/speed graph.
Am I miss-wiring them or am I missing something that would make them incompatible with the Duet TMC2660?
Here are the links to the manufacture web page and the spec's:
Thank you in advance if you take the time to look and school me.
The symptom sounds like the motors are incorrectly wired to the driver. You should have e.g. wires 1+5 connected to the pin at one end of the Duet motor connector, 2+6 connected to the next pin, 3+7 connected to the next one, and 4+8 connected to the last one.
As an experiment I used a 1.5V battery to verify that the following full step and wave drive sequences worked and they did
Posted that before I saw the reply so I'll check out and try what you said DC42
Awesome, that makes it spin. Guess I had a "duh" moment. Thanks a million David.
One question though if you don't mind. Why would I get an error short to ground when nothing was shorted? Magnetic fields opposing?
If you wired two coils in anti-parallel then the magnetic fields would oppose and the net result is near zero inductance. This would result in a rapid rise in current, because only the coil resistance would limit it.