Guess I should have said cut the inner strands part way so that when you pull through all strands are in the connector.

Best posts made by Alexander Mundy
RE: Hot end wire/ferrule
RE: Non-Linear Extrusion
Edit (Here was the wrong results I removed)
If this works, here is the spreadsheet
RE: SSR failsafe
What I was taking exception with was working live chassis and not being overly excited about it on a learning forum. I was referring to myself as the long time electrician, over 30 years and I am now the owner of an electrical contracting company. Prior I was an electronics bench technician, signal technician for the City, then signal supervisor. Also an amateur radio operator and from before a teenager mentored by a retired Navy avionics electronics technician.
I don't mention my past as bragging, but to say that all of my teachers taught respect for line voltage as have I to my apprentices throughout the years and to my employees. The worst I have ever had it was accidental contact with 120V. I was probably 10 years old and working on an old live chassis AM radio. It locked up all my muscles and I could not move while it felt like a million ants crawing over me. I was soaked from sweat and in contact with concrete. Needless to say at that point I was overly excited about it. Fortunately I thought of what I had been told and completely relaxed and fell off of it. Should have been using an isolation transformer as we did as bench technicians.I have drawn this too far off topic and will stop here.
RE: PS_ON safety question
Dredging this up as I would also like to see at least an option to include M81 in the event of a heater fault at idle and judging my the other threads I ran across searching many would. I'm one that likes redundancy to my redundancy. I'm running what most would consider overkill with my printer that has a 120V bed. 2 SSR's and a relay activated by PS_ON for the bed, and the hot end heater also through a relay activated by PS_ON.
Edit: Forgot to mention I do also have a one time thermal fuse in the bed heater.
RE: Polar CNC?
Sorry, should have mentioned I have no intention of using the aluminum frame it came with. Was thinking of possibly making it an add on mount for my lathe/mill or possibly building a stand alone micro for very small (less than an inch work piece) mill. I didn't know if the polar kinematics would be appropriate since I have the parts to implement that.
Autocancel auto delta calibration if error occurs
During delta calibration it would be nice if it automatically ended after an error instead of going through the rest of the probing, or at least an option to make that happen.
RE: Hot end wire/ferrule
If it's close but you just can't seem to get all the strands in a crimp connector a trick I was tought a long time ago is to strip longer than needed, splay the strands, cut some of the inner strands, twist back together and pull through.
RE: Nonlinear extrusion tweaking
@lakko the 1st added, etc spreadsheet is a recursive spreadsheet that takes into account (6 times IIRC) the fact that the computed amount to add doesn't really get added fully since that amount will also be less than directed due to non linear extrusion of it and sums up all the amounts. That part will fill itself in.
RE: Filament Monitors - Closed Loop Extruder?
@dc42 said in Filament Monitors - Closed Loop Extruder?:
This is something that we plan to try with the magnetic sensor when we have a stable mechanical design. In principle, with a filament monitor between the Bowden tube and the hot end, we could calibrate pressure advance automatically, and if necessary implement more advanced algorithms such as non-linear pressure advance.
I have started working on these same 2 calibrations as a personal project with a sensor and independent processor / display platform in what little spare time I have. That is how much I think it will save calibration time, so if you implement them directly in Duet and with a commercially available sensor I think that would be a major attraction.
Latest posts made by Alexander Mundy
RE: AC Heated Bed Wiring Validation
I include GFCI protection in the form of a GFCI cord cap.
RE: A way to extend the micro SD on the PanelDuet 5" to an SD card
Just a follow up note I learned yesterday. I bought a micro SD to micro SD extender to use with a PI 4 in a custom printed case for a digital dash display and it did not boot correctly. A little googlefu led me to . There was a 330 ohm resistor on this new extender board between SCLK and VDD. Crushed (crude but effective) the 330 SMD resistor and it booted fine.
RE: A way to extend the micro SD on the PanelDuet 5" to an SD card
I have used this one on multiple 4D Systems intelligent display projects to make the card accessible on custom cases but never tried it on paneldue or duet.
RE: Duet Wifi and nimble acceleration issue
The patterns were also a sometimes symptom with V1. Mine were some of the first sold and 1 printed flawless and 1 had the repeating pattern. Turned out to be the shaft undersized on the hob which Zesty replaced. Some of the original flex shafts had a defect and Zesty sent everyone new replacements. Same with the bodies. I give them kudos for customer service. Later 1 of them started the patterns and it was a worm bearing going bad. I replaced all bearings with ceramic ones and no problems since. I certainly wish I would have bought additional V1's while they were available. Too bad they have had the technical problems, when working properly (and IMO with the portscap stepper no need to go to V2 with 20:1 as I have tested retraction all the way up to 100 mm/s without skipping) they are top notch.
RE: Duet Wifi and nimble acceleration issue
@fcwilt 4 times what I paid but still way cheaper than retail:
If you look at the pics it is the same part#. In fact mine came with the "theta assembly" label pigtail also. Escap is Portescap's old name.
RE: Duet Wifi and nimble acceleration issue
I did away with all the settings and interaction problems by going to Portescap P430 258 005 01 3.6 degree ultra low rotor inertia disc permanet magnet steppers for my Nimble extruders. I'll never go back to conventional steppers with a high ratio extruder after using them, they are like a sports car vs a Yugo for starting, stopping, and reversing direction in comparison to the suggested Nema 17 pancake and Nema 14. Expensive new, but they can occasionally be found used at a decent cost.
RE: RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!
FYI for anyone else moving from early beta (before 11) I had to do the following:
Define heaters and associated temp sensors
Use M308 instead of M305
Activate the pullup resistors for endstops and z probe if needed since they are not active by default
I had remapped the bed heat and part cooling fans previously and had M950 H0 C"nil" and M950 H2 C"nil" but removed them since heaters are no longer automatically assigned. -
RE: RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!
Thank you. I lost track of 3 beta after I got it working for one of my printers that needed the remapping features because it worked and I didn't need more. But now that stable is out I figure time to upgrade because future release will be based from this one.
RE: RepRapFirmware 3.0 is released!
Not before Beta 12, at least that I could find.