Tevo Little Monster G32 setting issue
Thanks for the help on my HEVO about my weird issue, it seems to be solved for now crosses finger I recently just got the Duet Wifi and installed)) for my Tevo Little Monster, as the Sbase it comes with is way too inconsistent. Just got a question on the G32 that is weird (man G32 hates me xD)
of course it's working very quietly.... Until I try to do a G32, I'm using mostly Design Prototype Test's config file, and after it does a G32, it says cannot be completed because... Z probe readings not consistent. Ooomph I think I may have found the issue with my LM. I have two of the newest BLtouch's (with the plastic tip) but I want to confirm this:
Is this error message 100% means the BLtouch I have is bad? Or is it something else? Thanks.
Again the error message is : Z probe readings not consistent
Update: It completed it the second time and I think I know why, but here's the pic, as you can see, it doesn't probe all the points, gives me this message:
Link to picture: https://www.dropbox.com/s/e9awjtwi8wlg87n/2018-10-07 21.24.51.jpg?dl=0
34 points probed, mean error -0.005, deviation 0.045
Height map saved to file heightmap.csv
9:15:33 PM
Calibrated 6 factors using 13 points, deviation before 0.072 after 0.032
Warning: Skipping grid point (-45.0, -135.0) because Z probe cannot reach it
Warning: Skipping grid point (0.0, -135.0) because Z probe cannot reach it
Warning: Skipping grid point (45.0, -135.0) because Z probe cannot reach itWhat's the setting so it can probe those points? Thanks.
Can you post your config.g, config-override.g and your bed.g ? It might be your printable radius is too small to be probed when taking the probe offset into account.
sure here it is. (I just woke up so sorry if you were waiting)
I don't see a config-override.g in my system editor 1_1539016503171_config.g
Never Mind, you're right, I missed the setting in the M665, it's a config from someone else, the setting was B155, which is too small for the probe as the BLtouch is 2cm probe offset. It works now thank you very much!