ah okay good to hear, Btw my 0.4mm layer height 250mm circle produced no wobble, so I guess I'm good? Though I still need to figure out what the heck is going on with 0.3mm height underextruding...

Best posts made by iamthebest22
RE: Very very weird issue, looks like z wobble, but....
RE: Need help setting up X-Scara on a Duet 3 mini 5+
@iamthebest22 Going to "close" this thread as what I'm doing now it's more tuning and tweaking rather than firmware installation. Thanks!
RE: Double checking settings before I install my Duet Wifi + Duex
Sorry for the late delay, had to go to the dentist today for the usual stuff :P. Anyways, after forgetting to check all my drives are in the correct direction "coughextrudercough". I think I got it working. in Slic3r PE I turned the first layer temp off to 0 and this is my starting slicer gcode:
G28 ; home all axes
M104 S0 ; set nozzle to ensure 0 temp while auto bed levelingG4 S300 ; Dwell for 300 seconds or 5 minutes
G32 ; auto bed leveling
G1 Z5 F300 ; lift nozzleM109 S210 ; wait for extruder temp
G1 Z0.3 X1 Y1 F6000 ; move to prime position
G1 E5 F60 ; prime 5mm of filamentprinted a cube successfully
right now it does what it says, and then after 1st layer at 210, it goes to 207 for the other layers as specified. Woot!
I'm not finished yet though, because this machine is part of a longer process that I"m trying to fix and because it was getting z wobble at heights above 600mm ish, and I've changed the lead screws to 8mm instead of 12mm and put on thrust bearings. Not gonna talk about that here since it's been long enough, I will link to that thread though over here: https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/9053/very-very-weird-issue-looks-like-z-wobble-but/28but thanks for all the help so far! Greatly appreciated!
Setting up mesh grid and homing issues on SCARA type printer
Thanks for phaedrux, got firmware and some coding issues sorted out. I'm moving into tuning and tweaking now, so i'm posting here.
Need help setting up mesh grid etc for my Duet 3 mini 5+ on a Scara one arm printer. I feel like I might have something wrong with my settings.
Here's the original github for the X-scara printer: https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara/blob/master/firmware/CONFIGURE.md
Marlin config is here if some one can help: https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara/blob/master/firmware/Marlin-2.0.x/config/SCARA/X-SCARA/Configuration.h
Current settings:
M669 K4 P98.00 D98.00 A-105.5:106.5 B18.25:140 C-1:0:0 X100 Y-100 T0.5 S300I feel like I may have set the distal arm endstop in the wrong location? Here is my setup in the homeing files:
; homeall.g
; called to home all axes
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.10 on Sat Dec 18 2021 16:59:08 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
G91 ; relative movement
G1 H2 Z4 F100 ; ensure head is clear of the bed
G1 H1 X-250 F3000 ; move proximal joint clockwise up to 200 degrees until the endstop switch is triggered
G1 H2 X10 ; move proximal joint anticlockwise by 10 degrees
G1 H1 X-20 F600 ; move proximal joint slowly to the endstop switch again
M117 "homed proximal arm"; home y DISTAL ARM
G1 H1 Y20 F3000 ; move distal joint anti clockwise up to 20 degrees FIRST TO PREVENT TOO FAR LEFT THAT IT'LL CRASH!
G1 H1 Y-250 F3000 ; move distal joint clockwise up to -200 degrees until the endstop switch is triggered
G1 H2 Y10 ; move distal joint anticlockwise by 10 degrees
G1 H1 Y-20 F600 ; move distal joint slowly to the endstop switch again
M117 "homed distal arm"; home z
G1 H2 Z9 F200 ; raise head 4mm to ensure it is above the switch trigger height
G1 H2 X102 F2000 ; move proximal joint anticlockwise by 10 degrees
G1 H2 Y87.5 F2000 ; move distal joint anticlockwise by 10 degrees
G30 ; lower head, stop when probe triggered and set Z to trigger height
G90 ; back to absolute mode
G1 H2 X-60 Y60; move into printable area
G0 X0 Y0; move to zero point
G1 H2 Z30 ; move to 30mm so probing won't failvideo of it currently homing https://www.dropbox.com/s/gph3fu8ar1gilcp/2021-12-19 15.53.02.mp4?dl=0
Reason I'm asking is cause the B parameter is currently set to B18.25:140, and doesn't seem right, but when I do G1 H2 X0 Y0, it does go to the middle and lines up both arms.
Second is mesh grid. don't want to use the whole thing yet as I don't have th proper bed size,
M557 X33:80 Y15:195 S30 ; define mesh grid
but it's just goint too far to the left for G32. What should I set it too?Third is that is there a command to test probe accuracy? Recall there was one awhile back, but forgot. Thanks!
Latest posts made by iamthebest22
RE: Setting up mesh grid and homing issues on SCARA type printer
Hi Everyone, hope you all had a Merry Christmas and upcoming happy new year. I have been busy with getting the scara to have consistent improved deviation on the probing accuracy test. with a more rigid setup, I now can get it to usually within 0.02mm of deviation, with the worse being 0.04mm (out of like 11 tries that was the worse), so I'm happy with that. Still, I'm hoping we can implement a probing degree offset for scara printers. I've gotten the duet IR to about 8mm of the nozzle, so hopefully it works for bed leveling.
Back to mesh grid and other issues.
I've changed multiple settings, and here is my current settings. Still getting the error:
M120 G91 G1 Z25 F6000 G90 M121
Error: G1/G2/G3: intermediate position outside machine limitscurrent setup M669 K4 P98.00 D98.00 A-105.5:106.5 B0:140 C-1:0:0 X100 Y-100 T0.5 S300
; Axis Limits
M208 X0 Y0 Z0 S1 ; set axis minima
M208 X250 Y250 Z300 S0 ; set axis maxima; Endstops
M574 X1 S1 P"!io5.in"
M558 P8 C"io3.in" H5 F120 T6000 R0.8 A2
G31 P50 X0 Y0 Z2.30
M557 X33:80 Y15:195 S30 ; define mesh gridI'm at an absolute loss. dunno what to change so that I can lift z
RE: Setting up mesh grid and homing issues on SCARA type printer
@dc42 I will do that, I did find some issues (parts cracked on the arms and that may be why), and will fix it, though I probably won't be able to until Monday.
dc42 Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! (If you celebrate it). I got a question, I've been excited for SCARA since your blog 4 years ago.
You mentioned in adding a Z probe in the blog
"It must be possible to mount it very close to the nozzle. In most printers, XY offset between the Z probe and the nozzle can be compensated. But in a SCARA printer, the print head rotates, so the XY offsets are not constant. In principle the Z probe offset from the nozzle could be specified as a modified distal joint angle and a modified distal arm length, so that the probe can be moved to the exact spot required; but RepRapFirmware doesn’t implement this yet."
Would it be possible to implement it? I can wait, better late than never.
RE: Setting up mesh grid and homing issues on SCARA type printer
Sorry for the delay everyone, was waiting for my Duet IR probe sensor to arrive before I installed it. I got to to about 8mm of the nozzle, which while not perfect, should be close enough. My problem is when I run a macro M48 that is this:
M291 P"Probe will be tested 10 times and return mean and standard deviation. Ok or Cancel?" R"WARNING" S3 ; User must click OK or cancel.
G30 P0 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P1 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P2 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P3 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P4 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P5 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P6 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P7 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P8 X0 Y0 Z-9999
G30 P9 X0 Y0 Z-9999 S-1
M402I get this result: M292
G32 bed probe heights: -0.933 -0.877 -0.880 -0.877 -0.897 -0.890 -0.887 -0.885 -0.887 -0.885, mean -0.890, deviation from mean 0.015always one time where it's off by 0.05mm, which is big, my IR probe is slightly angled at about 6 degrees, should it not be angled at all?
My settings:
M558 P8 C"io3.in" H5 F60 T9000 R0.5
G31 P50 X0 Y0 Z1.0
M557 X33:80 Y15:195 S30 ; define mesh gridI really want to get this working, but man. It's probing against a black matte magnetic flexible bed, so shouldn't have issues.
RE: Setting up mesh grid and homing issues on SCARA type printer
@joergs5 Thanks and I think I may have gotten something confused myself. With Reprapfirmware, is it possible, cause a scara printer can do this, have a print area that is a half donut shape and have it defined in RRF? Or can you only define it as a square bed or circular? Thanks.
second thing is I'm waiting on the Duet IR sensor to arrive, so I can't test the homing until it arrives, hopefully this week. But yes the first question about the bed size is the most important one, cause I may have been thinking it all wrong this whole time.
RE: Setting up mesh grid and homing issues on SCARA type printer
@joergs5 Hi joergs, thanks for the fast response. I went to bed right after I posted, was getting too tired.
I should be more clear, I don't expect the BLtouch to solve the G1G2 G3 issue, that's another issue entirely. I have no idea how the arms should behave xD, the only thing I have is this, https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara/blob/master/images/center_position.png
that's different than the G1 H2 X0 Y0 right? when I do that, both arms should be in line, or should it be like this picture?
I want to use the BLtouch because due to the arm not being stiff enough, I can't use a precision piezo orion with accuracy, but I don't think the option to use an offset for SCARA type printers has been create, as dc42 himself said here a few years back:
https://miscsolutions.wordpress.com/2017/09/24/improving-the-robotdigg-scara-printer/He said, in the adding a Z probe section, with quotes
"It must be possible to mount it very close to the nozzle. In most printers, XY offset between the Z probe and the nozzle can be compensated. But in a SCARA printer, the print head rotates, so the XY offsets are not constant. In principle the Z probe offset from the nozzle could be specified as a modified distal joint angle and a modified distal arm length, so that the probe can be moved to the exact spot required; but RepRapFirmware doesn’t implement this yet."So should I get a duet IR sensor instead? It should work on those black flexible matte type magnetic bed surfaces?
RE: Setting up mesh grid and homing issues on SCARA type printer
@iamthebest22 Update: Getting a weird occasional error:
Error: G1/G2/G3: intermediate position outside machine limits
I hate to ask this, but is there anyway to use a BLtouch or similar for a scara printer? I tried using the precision piezo orion, but unfortunately the arm design just enough stiff enough. While the piezo itself works, there's just too big of a deviation due to the arm being lax(and I know it's not the precision piezo orion because I tested it on other machines before and it was working fine with deviations of around 0.006 mm). I'm assuming the offset would be in degrees?
According to the creator Alex, he was able to do this in the config located here:
https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara/blob/master/firmware/Marlin-2.0.x/Marlin/Configuration.hline 104 says:
// Relative probe offset in angles, required for bed leveling (G29)
#define SCARA_PROBE_OFFSET_DEGREES 20Would suck not to be able to use this printer now that I've built it.
Setting up mesh grid and homing issues on SCARA type printer
Thanks for phaedrux, got firmware and some coding issues sorted out. I'm moving into tuning and tweaking now, so i'm posting here.
Need help setting up mesh grid etc for my Duet 3 mini 5+ on a Scara one arm printer. I feel like I might have something wrong with my settings.
Here's the original github for the X-scara printer: https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara/blob/master/firmware/CONFIGURE.md
Marlin config is here if some one can help: https://github.com/madl3x/x-scara/blob/master/firmware/Marlin-2.0.x/config/SCARA/X-SCARA/Configuration.h
Current settings:
M669 K4 P98.00 D98.00 A-105.5:106.5 B18.25:140 C-1:0:0 X100 Y-100 T0.5 S300I feel like I may have set the distal arm endstop in the wrong location? Here is my setup in the homeing files:
; homeall.g
; called to home all axes
; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool v3.3.10 on Sat Dec 18 2021 16:59:08 GMT-0800 (Pacific Standard Time)
G91 ; relative movement
G1 H2 Z4 F100 ; ensure head is clear of the bed
G1 H1 X-250 F3000 ; move proximal joint clockwise up to 200 degrees until the endstop switch is triggered
G1 H2 X10 ; move proximal joint anticlockwise by 10 degrees
G1 H1 X-20 F600 ; move proximal joint slowly to the endstop switch again
M117 "homed proximal arm"; home y DISTAL ARM
G1 H1 Y20 F3000 ; move distal joint anti clockwise up to 20 degrees FIRST TO PREVENT TOO FAR LEFT THAT IT'LL CRASH!
G1 H1 Y-250 F3000 ; move distal joint clockwise up to -200 degrees until the endstop switch is triggered
G1 H2 Y10 ; move distal joint anticlockwise by 10 degrees
G1 H1 Y-20 F600 ; move distal joint slowly to the endstop switch again
M117 "homed distal arm"; home z
G1 H2 Z9 F200 ; raise head 4mm to ensure it is above the switch trigger height
G1 H2 X102 F2000 ; move proximal joint anticlockwise by 10 degrees
G1 H2 Y87.5 F2000 ; move distal joint anticlockwise by 10 degrees
G30 ; lower head, stop when probe triggered and set Z to trigger height
G90 ; back to absolute mode
G1 H2 X-60 Y60; move into printable area
G0 X0 Y0; move to zero point
G1 H2 Z30 ; move to 30mm so probing won't failvideo of it currently homing https://www.dropbox.com/s/gph3fu8ar1gilcp/2021-12-19 15.53.02.mp4?dl=0
Reason I'm asking is cause the B parameter is currently set to B18.25:140, and doesn't seem right, but when I do G1 H2 X0 Y0, it does go to the middle and lines up both arms.
Second is mesh grid. don't want to use the whole thing yet as I don't have th proper bed size,
M557 X33:80 Y15:195 S30 ; define mesh grid
but it's just goint too far to the left for G32. What should I set it too?Third is that is there a command to test probe accuracy? Recall there was one awhile back, but forgot. Thanks!
RE: Need help setting up X-Scara on a Duet 3 mini 5+
@iamthebest22 Going to "close" this thread as what I'm doing now it's more tuning and tweaking rather than firmware installation. Thanks!
RE: Need help setting up X-Scara on a Duet 3 mini 5+
thought I continue this thread, instead of editing it again and again.
Homing is successful, but not sure if my setting is wrong or something. I had to make this setting:
M669 K4 P98.00 D98.00 A-106:106 B16:140 C-1:0:0 X100 Y-100 T0.5 S300
in order for the arms to be perfectly in line with each other when I send G1 H2 X0 Y0
Is that correct for the B parameter? Thought the first number should be 0. Pretty sure the motors are going in the correct directions.
Update: got probing working sorta, need help with defining mesh grid. Currently I don't want to use the full half donut shape (until I've designed a proper bed for it). Right now the code is:
M557 X15:100 Y15:120 S30
and it's going slightly too far to my left for the first probe point. How should I change this?Btw is there a command to test probe accuracy?
RE: Need help setting up X-Scara on a Duet 3 mini 5+
@phaedrux Thanks again, right now I'm setting up the homing files, it somewhat works, but getting one error and one obsolete command on console.
Update: I'm an idiot, precision piezo orion can't use G1 S1 Z-305 F100 ; move Z down until the switch triggers
they have to use G30 instead. Will report back.
Second update: it's working, but I need the probing speed to be faster, how do I changed that,
I tried M558 P8 C"!^io3.in" H5 F300 T6000 R0.8 and changed F to F2000 but nothing changed.Third update: Found the issue, set the max speed for Z too low. It's sorted, now I just need to make the piezo not so sensitive.