Duet 2 Wifi my old printer
Hi all
Interested to ask can i buy Duet 2 Wifi my old printer without bigger problems. Here little bit list what my printer include.
- Printer is normal cartesian printer (modifield old i2 prusa)
- Heatbed bed works with heated silicon mat under aluminium bed. 12v/12A about. i Think thats not problem? Sensor is normal 100k ntc or 10k not remember exact value.
- Hotend is E3D V6 12v and normal cardbridge sensor.
- Now have 128x64 graphic display and buttons to operate printer next to that. PanelDue helps with that problem i think?
- Powersupply is 700w ATX power supply and i controlled that with firmware now, i think that is possible with Duet 2 too? Can i give different power supply give power to Duet 2 board and keep my atx supply only heater and bed? Now i have that kind on system.
- I have induction sensor to bed and that is my only z axle "limit switch" and of course i use auto bed leveling. Both is ok with Duet 2?
- Now have allegro and dvr drivers with my Nema17. If i undestand right Duet 2 controllers are much silent? Or is there much differens? How about Duet 2 controller is that firmware task to change different parameters to controllers when printing or is there some settings page where you change different settings to controllers?
- Part cooling fan and hotend fan is only fans my system.
- Octoprint is now wifi connection to my desktop pc where i do all prints. After this that not needed anymore? Duet 2 give support some webcam?
All other tips and hints are welcome and many thanks if someone can answer this questions and sorry my poor english language skills
Here couple photos my printer: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/1uajxfnyc3l1y1j/AAAQk9P7h4UdmH7sGQtOvbBJa?dl=0
@lassivv I made a short video of my corexy. The loudest noise is the fans and the autofocus on the dslr. https://youtu.be/llArYEVT2ow
@Stephen6309 Thanks for your video thats sounds good. Do you need do some special settings or try many different settings or does that firmware "smartly" pick good parameters and drive motors with that?
Couple more questions are raised up. ยจ
Does anyone use that "no endstop" option with Duet 2, if i remember right some page tells Duet 2 support no endstops mode, because that stepper motor drivers.ยจ
Does Duet 2 support any easy way to check / control printer via internet if you not inside your home network area?
Documentation: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/You can use this to make the inital config.g: https://configurator.reprapfirmware.org/Start
I don't use stall detection. See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Stall_detection_and_sensorless_homing
I've read that you can set a VPN to your pc to get to it. A duet has no security itself.
All of your existing hardware will likely work fine with the Duet. Except the display. You would need a PanelDue. The Duet Maestro has the option of using a cheaper 12864 display.
Sensorless homing is an option, but there are no guarantees it will work perfectly in your setup. It's far better idea to just use a simple switch. The drivers can still do stall detection during a print.
The duet uses a web based control interface that works a lot like Octoprint. Called Duet Web Control or DWC. This is how you will access and control the printer. All of the configuration files are edited there as well.
Here is an article that will help you gather the information you need about your printer to get it working with RepRapFirmware. https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/Going_from_Marlin_on_Arduino_to_RepRapFirmware_on_Duet
@Stephen6309 Thx for links i allready little bit readed that documentation ja check different topics here on forum. Try to search little bit how you setup this "smarter stepper drivers SPI bus models i think"? I finded common accerate, step per mm/min, currents possible adjust, then you can pick up interpolation and you can put 16 microstepping every motor of course different stepping different motors. Why that is 16 and not 256 what this drivers can do, if i understand right? Or is that interpolation something like that firmware itself change that microstepping whole time?
Just think what "fancy" setting you can do this drivers or is there normally only this microstepping, current and that it? Just thinking this sound thing etc, can you do sound better/worse with other settings?
Thanks that VPN tip need to learn little more that before get that working
@Phaedrux Thanks for tips. I think i buy same time that 7" touch screen, not much different price to other displays.
Thanks for tip that sensorless homing, i watch couple of mk3 prusa printers and that sensorless homing not hear so good, that skip steps to other end not hears so good compare to normal limit switches.
I checked if firmware have some induction (digital 0-1) sensor option on firmware, but only find analog sensor (measure distance to analog signal i think) then couple other option and normal z limit switch. Do i only use that normal z limit switch and depends that can do all mesh bed leveling etc systems with that "z limit switch firmware (put use that induction sensor, what i use now with my printer). That stall detections seems good idea to keep on, not problems my printer that skipped steps, but always good if there is some intelligence what is checking that. Right now have Omron inductive sensor, what use 12volts to work, read somewhere on Duet documentation inductive input can handle 30volts on Duet 2 board?
Many thanks every hints, i think today we buy two Duet 2 with my friend and some touch screen too.
Try to find how i can shutdown board. I think i use external 5v supply to give juice board and i control atx power on only when printing is going. Octoprint is linux computer and always when i use that i need to but shutdown command to octoprint and wait little bit. Can i shutdown this Duet 2 board directly to get plug out of wall? Or do i need give some shutdown command to Duet board before i get totally power of this system? (Of course shutdown only when printer is standby mode, not printing or doing something.
One very big good thing when i know search this Duet 2 documentation and forums. Forum @dc42 tell things very many topics and if i understand right dc42 is one of founder/developer this whole Duet boards. Thats very very big plus that founder/developer is that active on device forum. I think i see dc42 one of Thomas Sanladerer videos, when they tell this new Duet 2. Hopefully Duet 3 not released next week when we just buy that Duet 2 wifi
@lassivv said in Duet 2 Wifi my old printer:
Hi all
Interested to ask can i buy Duet 2 Wifi my old printer without bigger problems. Here little bit list what my printer include.
- Printer is normal cartesian printer (modifield old i2 prusa)
- Heatbed bed works with heated silicon mat under aluminium bed. 12v/12A about. i Think thats not problem? Sensor is normal 100k ntc or 10k not remember exact value.
- Hotend is E3D V6 12v and normal cardbridge sensor.
- Now have 128x64 graphic display and buttons to operate printer next to that. PanelDue helps with that problem i think?
Yes, alternatively if you use the Duet Maestro instead of Duet WiFi then it will probably work with your existing 12864 display, if it's the usual sort with two 10-way ribbon cables.
- Powersupply is 700w ATX power supply and i controlled that with firmware now, i think that is possible with Duet 2 too? Can i give different power supply give power to Duet 2 board and keep my atx supply only heater and bed? Now i have that kind on system.
Yes to both; although a 700W ATX PSU would be adequate to power everything.
- I have induction sensor to bed and that is my only z axle "limit switch" and of course i use auto bed leveling. Both is ok with Duet 2?
- Now have allegro and dvr drivers with my Nema17. If i undestand right Duet 2 controllers are much silent? Or is there much differens? How about Duet 2 controller is that firmware task to change different parameters to controllers when printing or is there some settings page where you change different settings to controllers?
Duet WiFi has TMC2660 drivers on-board. Duet Maestro has TMC2224 on board (similar to TMC2208). Both types are in almost all cases much quieter than Allegro drivers.
- Part cooling fan and hotend fan is only fans my system.
- Octoprint is now wifi connection to my desktop pc where i do all prints. After this that not needed anymore? Duet 2 give support some webcam?
Duet supports webcams in a more restricted way. It has to be an IP camera connected separately to your local area network (normally by WiFi) and capable of displaying a jpeg still image. See https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/How_to_include_a_web_camera_image_in_Duet_Web_Control.
HTH David