Duet Telegram bot
I've read about one being in development for a while, but have only recently came across a more or less finished bot here https://www.npmjs.com/package/duet-telegram.
Works really well, I run it on my Pi Zero W along with Motioneye. Very convenient for those of us with really wonky ISPs, in my case that means I don't have to bother with weird IPv6 tunneling issues if I want to keep an eye on my printer during the day.
How easy was this to set up? I haven't dabbled with Raspberry Pis before. I am also looking into using my google home to send Gcode commands.
@underdonesushi Pretty easy. Just had to follow the guide on the bot's page with an extra step for installing missing packets. Otherwise it mostly just... works. Not so sure about Google Home integration.
Hi guys,
Resurrecting this as I found very little other info on this (coming from Octoprint, Telegram was super useful)
I just tried to install and run the bot on a Pi Zero but it failed.
Here is the process I used (might help others to spot my error or serve as instructions - once fixed):- Install headless Rasbian image (2019-09-26-raspbian-buster-lite.img)
- Installed NodeJS as follows (the instructions did not work with the Pi Zero armv6 CPU)
- sudo apt-get install curl
- curl -o node-v9.7.1-linux-armv6l.tar.gz https://nodejs.org/dist/v9.7.1/node-v9.7.1-linux-armv6l.tar.gz
- tar -xzf node-v9.7.1-linux-armv6l.tar.gz
- sudo cp -r node-v9.7.1-linux-armv6l/* /usr/local/
- checked if it works with:
- node -v
- npm -v
- added git just in case:
- sudo apt-get install git
- installed the 11 dependencies listed on the page with:
- sudo npm i <dependency name>
- ran the bot by typing duetbot
- answered yes to create the default config
- used telegram to create the bot account:
- Open a chat with @botfather in Telegram Messenger.
- Send /newbot to @botfather and follow the instructions.
- received a long token (example only) HTTP API: 432423:DSFDD_KeassESFD23221Hdksa213I
- edited the default config with:
- sudo nano /home/pi/.duetbot.json
- set the IP of the DuetBoard
- set the token to the one received without HTTP API: (432423:DSFDD_KeassESFD23221Hdksa213I)
- ran the bot by typing duetbot
Duetbot then started:
Connecting to duet...
Checking for upload dir...
Uploads enabled
Bot started...followed by this error:
Failed to process updates. { Error: 401: Unauthorized
at buildConfig.then.then.then.then (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/duet-telegram/node_modules/telegraf/core/network/client.js:281:17)
at <anonymous>
at process._tickCallback (internal/process/next_tick.js:118:7)
code: 401,
response: { ok: false, error_code: 401, description: 'Unauthorized' },
description: 'Unauthorized',
parameters: {},
{ method: 'getUpdates?offset=0&limit=100&timeout=30',
payload: {} } }I further checked that the duetwifi has no password set as I see from the notes that this is not yet supported. Unfortunately still no luck. Any help is apprechiated.
Not sure if you every got this fixed, but I noticed I would only get this message when nothing was printing. IE Idle state has no status but printing messages came through. -
I installed and it worked but not all commands.
/status - not working
/macros - not working -
its not working with my duet 3. are there updates available or something like that?
Hi, I'm installing the whole....just a question: do the bot starts automatically with the Pi or should I do something to make it autosart?
Excellent job ! Thanks
Duet 3 and sbc running duetbot on the sbc.
Getting error:Connecting to duet... Duet is offline! Checking for upload dir... Uploads disabled: Request to http://tristan-painting-machine.local/rr_filelist?dir=0%3A%2Fgcodes%2Ftelegram failed. code: 404 Bot started...
Also tried with the same numerical ip address that works to connect to dwc.
Any advice? -
@the_dragonlord I don't remember if I did the file or get on the web but you have to make duetbot as a service with a file "duetbot.service" or whatever into /etc/systemd/system as root
File content (edited):
[Unit] Description=node js duetbot for telegram #after network is up After=network.target [Service] WorkingDirectory=/usr/bin ExecStart=duetbot Restart=on-failure RestartSec=1500ms Type=forking #user pi or root, will determine where the script will search the configuration file **.duetbot.json** User=pi # Note Debian/Ubuntu uses 'nogroup', RHEL/Fedora uses 'nobody' Group=nogroup Environment=PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin Environment=NODE_ENV=production # log send to syslog StandardOutput=syslog StandardError=syslog # syslog name id SyslogIdentifier=duetbot [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target
And don't forget to execute after that :
#to load the file for the systemctl manager systemctl daemon-reload # to start and test service duetbot start # to check if loaded an active service duetbot status # if all is good you can tell the system to execute it as a service on boot : systemctl enable duetbot #if it's ok the system will respond : Created symlink /etc/systemd/system/multi-user.target.wants/duetbot.service → /etc/systemd/system/duetbot.service.
This post is deleted! -
the last update of the bot on github is more than 3 years old,
the project was abandoned