PEI coated flex-plate system
@puterpro said in PEI coated flex-plate system:
I'll jump in and say that although some like mirror like bottoms (there's always glass for that ...) I prefer this sort of texture.
For one thing that texture with all it's little hills and valleys is creating a hell of a good adhesion due to the tremendously improved surface area!
I've run PEI sheets for years and I always sand them with 320 grit to give it a better bite, still releases easily, this is even better.
This is a rockin' product you're offering, hope the KS goes well for you, not in the market myself (Wife is still in shock from the Duet and other upgrades to my CR-10S, no way she'd let me get this ...
Awesome execution tho'!
Thank you for the positivity and thoughtful comments
It's very much appreciated!
@klcjr89 said in PEI coated flex-plate system:
What do you think of the texture?
I like it - a bit more rough texture than I anticipated, but it looks good
As PuterPro said - I like it better than glass. Even tough glass looks good on that side, it stands to much out compared to the remaning 5 sides.
19 days to go and less than 50% backed makes a bit nervous/sad. Hope it comes through.
@martin1454 said in PEI coated flex-plate system:
@klcjr89 said in PEI coated flex-plate system:
What do you think of the texture?
I like it - a bit more rough texture than I anticipated, but it looks good
As PuterPro said - I like it better than glass. Even tough glass looks good on that side, it stands to much out compared to the remaning 5 sides.
19 days to go and less than 50% backed makes a bit nervous/sad. Hope it comes through.
The texture is actually finer than the Prusa sheet
And yeah, I don't see why it wouldn't. The wham bam plate raised $30K on Kickstarter so I don't see why I wouldn't be able to. Geckotek raised $60K.
@klcjr89 nice - looking good - Have any planas to add a logo or something on it or just plain black?
No plans for logo; it makes production much simpler and a more aesthetically pleasing product
@klcjr89 Totally agree with that, only wish it came bigger. I have a 400mmx400mm bed size, might have to go with embedded magnets also instead for that size.
Larger sizes are coming in the future after we have capital. You also donβt need embedded magnets with the entire surface of the magnet sheet.
@klcjr89 It would be a personal preference to not having the magnetic sheet 3M glued to the heated bed, but yes true. Awesome can't wait to see the next round, will that be kickstarter also?
@underdonesushi said in PEI coated flex-plate system:
@klcjr89 It would be a personal preference to not having the magnetic sheet 3M glued to the heated bed, but yes true. Awesome can't wait to see the next round, will that be kickstarter also?
Hopefully we wonβt need a Kickstarter again. Weβre just trying to raise capital to be able to fund mass production.
Uncle Jessy made a video of the flex-plate yesterday
The day has finally come! We have 'soft' launched yesterday and are now taking orders for blank plates and magnets!
@klcjr89 is it possible to order sizes other than what you have in your dropdown menu?
I ask because my D-Bot was built with the nominally 200x300 option, and my actual current heatbed is 215x335. I'd almost certainly order the PEI plate and magnet sheet if I could cover that. Given I'm currently using clips to hold down the glass/PEI sheet I currently print on I can't use the whole surface, but not having to use clips to hold the sheet down I'd love to be able to print out almost to the bitter ends of the plate.
A future upgrade for my printer will expand my heated bed to 230x350 (already have the aluminum plate for it), so it's possible I would order ones sized for that when the time comes.
@klcjr89 I'm also interested in getting a custom sized one and that is also for a 200x300 printbed. To be specific, it's for E3Ds High Temperature Heated Bed.