Duet WiFi and PanelDue Clones.
It seems I have accidentally purchased a cloned Duet WiFi and PanelDue 7i from a seller on Aliexpress. The seller didn't state that it was a clone (They have now changed this), so I assumed it was real, especially as it was coming from the 'REPRAP official store'
I contacted the seller, who has since changed the Advert title to include the word 'clone', but my question is this. Do these sellers not have to advertise their clones as clones? Or can they simply wait to catch out unsuspecting buyers, then change their wording to include 'clone'? Is there not some sort of license agreement in place that prevents them from doing this?This was the original listing.

And the listing with the updated title.
https://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/0.html?spm=a2g0s.9042647.6.2.1ac34c4dzkwkH8&orderId=100545140579570&productId=32990252667 -
At least the price for the combo had indicated you that it was a clone, no ?
At this price you normally get only the Duet WiFi ... -
@ocornet I was watching a youtube video, and someone mentioned that the Duet WiFi was probably the best 3D printer board available, and whilst I was searching for linear rails on Aliexpress for a printer I'm building, I happened upon the 'Duet WiFi', and thought I'd give it a try. I hadn't looked at the price of the original or the clones, and as such, I assumed it was original.
@the-doc Thanks for taking the time to come on here and let us know. They have to clearly mark that they are not the original product but a clone, that is in the terms of our license agreement in releasing the open source files.
The issues is not all cloners do so. That is why we have a list of genuine resellers here:
Please report them to AliExpress for selling a clone as an original.
@t3p3tony I did report them to Aliexpress, and they immediately changed the title of the advert to include 'clone'. Unfortunately it was too late for me, and, according to the seller, my only recourse is to send it back at my own expense, but I've opened a dispute with Aliexpress, as I despise underhandedness of this sort. It's open source. The least they could do is have the decency to advertise the fact that it's a clone (as per your license agreement), but some people are just too greedy.
I'll be buying an original this week. -
@the-doc I never buy from China. This is specifically why I always buy from official channels.
As I've said many times here and in other forums; my reasons for buying from official channels:- Quality. I'll bet the clone you receive does'n't have any of the safeguards that are built into the original boards. (In my experience) Be very careful with your wiring.
- Support. Your experience... You have to pay to return it.
- Support. (in my experience) Official re-sellers know what they are talking about, they can respond without ambiguity and in your language since they are local to your country.
- Customer service. (In my experience) No run-around and diversions in delaying or trying to avoid proper customer service. When you buy from a Duet official re-seller, you are treated like gold and promptly.
I would flip the cost to return the Chinese junk (send it back on the slowest / cheapest boat you can find) and get an original.
@dennishall I definitely won't be keeping the clone. I wouldn't trust it to not burn the house down whilst I'm in bed with a print running.
I have nothing against clones, per se, so long as they're advertised as such, and the original hardware is open source, but I do have a lot against someone passing off a clone as an original, which is exactly what happened here. It wasn't an oversight on the seller's side, it was a blatant attempt to rip people off.
I'll post back in a few days when Aliexpress have stepped in and made a decision.
I'm curious if the board itself was marked that it was a clone? Most of them seem to include it screen printed on the back.
@theruleslawyer When you mention the screenprint. If you mean what you see in the images on AliExpress, those are the original Duet3D board images that people are using instead of displaying images of their own boards.
This is the AliExpress equivalent of "click-bate" and one of the reasons I (personally) never buy there - you never know what you will actually get from AliExpress.I only ever bought an electronics board from ALiExpress once and what I got was not only a different and extremely inferior product, but not even the same color as what they presented in their product page.
The specs. they provided were "sparse" and failed to mention they were accurate, meaning what they did not tell you - actually did not exist - this excluded things like inline fuses for critical circuits and any voltage protection on-board. These are features that, when missing, can kill either the board or even you in the end.Beyond those critical things, AliExpress is too legally distant for us to have any enforceable buyers rights as well so when you buy from them, it's always at your own peril.
@theruleslawyer The board does have the disclaimer on the back, but the back of the board was not shown in the advert.
The "PanelDue 7i" that came with the board is also a joke. The top of the buzzer sits about 10mm above the top of the screen, whereas the real one looks flush (which would make sense). No doubt they saved a cent by using the cheapest buzzer they could find. It's a shame they didn't give any thought to mounting the panel in anything. -
I use Duet wifi clone 2 months I am completely satisfied with it I have to take care of the fire currents knife fuse changed polyfuse version the more reliable I think!
Desktop heating no duet panel hood mosfet pcb so more reliable end switch lm393 hall sensor 3V3 is good with it! -
@dpsslaser said in Duet WiFi and PanelDue Clones.:
I use Duet wifi clone 2 months I am completely satisfied with it I have to take care of the fire currents knife fuse changed polyfuse version the more reliable I think!Poly fuses caused no end of trouble on RAMPS boards running close to specified units didn't they?
Edit: That aside the cloners are renowned for skimping on the copper which makes them more prone to failure and as such more of a fire risk. The manufacturers are immune from legal action so there is very little insentive for them to not cut corners and also maybe start using cheap banned materials in the manufacture.
Here's a discussion that includes refering to the polyfuses as a fire hazzard and their variable nature: https://3dprinting.stackexchange.com/questions/4551/is-my-5a-polyfuse-on-my-ramps-board-bad
@dpsslaser said in Duet WiFi and PanelDue Clones.:
Desktop heating no duet panel hood mosfet pcb so more reliable end switch lm393 hall sensor 3V3 is good with it!
This doesn't make sense. Can you try again please.
Have you any personal interest in the sale of the clones?
@the-doc said in Duet WiFi and PanelDue Clones.:
... I've opened a dispute with Aliexpress ...</snip>
Any word on the verdict? Curious as that dispute "system" is a bit hit and miss at best imo.. If you paid with PayPal they have a much better counterfeit item policy, full refund no return - Ali might do the same, if the planets are aligned..
@dennishall said in Duet WiFi and PanelDue Clones.:
@theruleslawyer When you mention the screenprint. If you mean what you see in the images on AliExpress, those are the original Duet3D board images that people are using instead of displaying images of their own boards.
This is the AliExpress equivalent of "click-bate" and one of the reasons I (personally) never buy there - you never know what you will actually get from AliExpress.I only ever bought an electronics board from ALiExpress once and what I got was not only a different and extremely inferior product, but not even the same color as what they presented in their product page.
The specs. they provided were "sparse" and failed to mention they were accurate, meaning what they did not tell you - actually did not exist - this excluded things like inline fuses for critical circuits and any voltage protection on-board. These are features that, when missing, can kill either the board or even you in the end.Beyond those critical things, AliExpress is too legally distant for us to have any enforceable buyers rights as well so when you buy from them, it's always at your own peril.
Oh I don't doubt some are using the original pics. Though some also have legit pics of their own boards complete with the printing, which is why I asked about it. I couldn't see what the original pics were like.
Ali is the wild west in terms of buying stuff though. There are a few shops on there I don't have any qualms about. Triangle labs for instance I have a bunch of their stuff and have always been happy. They're not the cheapest place on ali, but when I'm looking at buying 1 of 300 identical looking parts they are a pretty known quantity at least. I've also generally had good experiences with fysetc on ali.
Not that any of them hold a candle to the sort of reliability we expect from western suppliers. However if you're buying commodity stuff like stepper drivers, etc most of the time buying in the west is just relabeled Chinese stuff anyways. You can pay the mark up for possibility of an easier return or save a pretty good percentage by getting it closer to the source. Make your choice I suppose.
As for clone duets- No offense but people should know better than to think anything on Ali is 'brand name'. I would be shocked if anything I bought there with a brand name isn't a clone. Given that they're open source I have no issues otherwise given they do follow the labeling requirements. I'd probably also run a clone with a relay for the heater instead of trusting the board to handle that current. Steppers would possibly be more of an issue if you're driving them particularly hard. However the current limit is quite a bit over what a typical nema17 is using for most printers.
@bearer said in Duet WiFi and PanelDue Clones.:
@the-doc said in Duet WiFi and PanelDue Clones.:
... I've opened a dispute with Aliexpress ...</snip>
Any word on the verdict? Curious as that dispute "system" is a bit hit and miss at best imo.. If you paid with PayPal they have a much better counterfeit item policy, full refund no return - Ali might do the same, if the planets are aligned..
I've heard nothing back from them yet, and I'm not going to hold my breath or expect a satisfactory solution.
I'm expecting to be told that I have to send the board back to them at my own expense, which, although an outrageous suggestion when someone has deliberately set out to deceive you, is the same reply you'd get from PayPal in the same situation.