3x Duet Expansion board BROKEN!!! How is possible?
Hello everybody,
i use around 4-5 months external stepper drivers connected to expansion board and everything works perfect.
The last week i change this stepper drivers for servo drivers, the servo X is absolutely fine.
But the out of the servo Y was broken in 3 duet expansion boards, how is possible?
Is working around some minutes and after seem than the out PUL not work, because i check the out DIR and i see +5v and -5V.Some idea:
This is the servo driver:
https://www.panasonic-electric-works.com/eu/minas-liqi-servo-drives.htmThanks for the help!
i forget say:
i conect directly between expansion breackout board and servo driver.
Have you extended the step pulse timing for the external drivers sufficiently using the M569 command T parameter? It could be that the timing you are using is marginal for those servo drives.
Yes, in the manual of servos say 5us and i write 10 for careful.
If you swap the X and Y driver outputs over and make a corresponding change to your M584 command, does the fault stay with the driver output or the motor?
Likewise, what happens if you swap the two external drivers over?
Are you sure that the cable connecting the breakout board to the external driver is sound? Sometimes a single strand of wire escapes crimping and shorts to an adjacent pin on the Molex connector.
Is any of the ICs on the breakout board getting hot?