BLtouch dosent working
Hi, i cant figure out whats wrong whit my BLtouch..
i have tryed dirfferent thing, i can take the pin out and in, i can self test it, it elv test when the printer is powering on, the alarm can go but it wont trigger "z-probe"..
this is only a test to try the probe.. it dident work in the printer so took the board out to try thing out easy..
i have mesure the signal between black and white cabel, and when i trigger the probe it only shows 0,1-0,17v, normaly aroudn 0,155-0,16v when it goes in to alarm it gives 4,8v and then the "Z-probe" goes to "1000"
i have also try 2 differents bltouch..
i can only see 1 fuse.
is that a v1.03?if so stop testing and hope that you did not damage the board.
the bltouch has to be converted to 3.3v operation.
see -
Hmm.. I have tryed that to, but i get 4.8v after cutting the thing.. Rest of the board works fine thoe.. But gona look at it later.
the bltouch uses a hall probe. it will trigger only for a very short amount of time. you will most likely miss it.
G31 P0.1
is too low. TryG31 P25
.M558 F500
is pretty fast for BlTouch probing. TryF100
Also see these -
@phaedrux yeah te 0.1 was Just a test, i had it on 25..
@veti so madeby the multimeter dosent se the trigger then and only shows 0.150v
If you do the dynamic test procedure from the test and calibrate z probe link, does it stop the z motors from turning? The Z Probe status in the DWC will only flash to 1000 very briefly so it can be very hard to notice and may not always show as changing at all.
Is it a version 3 BLTouch? They changed the output circuit in that version.
@phaedrux well i feel like an idiot now xD it did work on my "test bench" now...
gona try it in the printer now an see if it work
Just have your hand near the power switch so you can kill the power if triggering the probe doesn't stop the motion.
@phaedrux looks like G30 worked fine now. gona mount the Bltoch now and try more tomorrow