Part Cooling Fan Speed Lost on Tool Change
The current result is that the PCF has zero speed on every tool change.
Is there a way, when changing tools, to set the part cooling fan speed to the speed that was set for the previous tool? Should the electronics be doing this automatically when changing tools, or is there way of achieving this with tfree/pre/post by grabbing the current speed in free, then applying it in pre or post, or should this ultimately be the role of the slicer? S3D, at least, does not put out the part cooling fan speed on every layer, only when it changes. If it put it out on every layer, this at least would mitigate the issue, though not fully, as the tool may change multiple times in a single layer.
@spoonunit Well in it's simplest form a tool change is simply a "Tn" command. So if you were printing with Tool 0 say and wanted to change to Tool 1, you could simply enter "T1" and that's it. If the print cooling fan is turning off or being set to zero speed, then something must be issuing an M106 S0 or an M107 command. That will either be generated by the slicer or one of the tool change macros (tpre, tpost or tpre). check those macros and if they are empty or do not contain any M106 S0 commands, then it has to be the slicer. The firmware only acts on commands that are sent - it doesn't automatically generate print fan commands.
In fact, I found an M106 command in tfree. This was the reason for the fans stopping. Now, when the tool is freed and its heaters set to standby, it would be ideal if its fan stopped. However, if I do that, I don't think I have a way to recall the value that was set with pure GCODE. Thus the part cooling fans stay running. Unless there's a sneaky way to set the fan standby speed?
Try M106 R2
Rnnn Restore fan speed to the value it has when the print was paused (R1) or the last time the fan speed was set and no P parameter was provided (R2).