Paneldue 5i says "connecting" but never does...
When I connect with only USB, it will report standby and idle, so I've ween it otherwise connect correctly to the Duet. When I power everything up normally, it will only say "connecting" and nothing else. The screen otherwise is responsive to touch. The web interface is accessible and usable. Is this a case of electrical interference, and can it be mitigated easily?
How are you connecting the PanelDue and the Duet? Ribbon cable or 4 wire cable? How long is the cable?
Firmware versions?
I'm connecting with the 4 wire cable; I believe it's 1meter, the default length I received from Filastruder.
FIRMWARE_NAME: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet FIRMWARE_VERSION: 2.04RC1 ELECTRONICS: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later + DueX5 FIRMWARE_DATE: 2019-07-14b1
Paneldue firmware is reported as 1.22.1 (28b1)
I've actually had similar issues, though intermittently. I ended up replacing the cable that came with it and made my own and it's been working fine ever since.
I took the original cable and recrimped the ends and have been using it on another paneldue and so far it seems fine.
So if you have the means, and it doesn't shorten your cable too much, perhaps you can recrimp the connector ends.
By the way, there is a 1.23 firmware for the PanelDue which is worth updating just for the new Dark2 color scheme.
I just flashed the update, and now it works fine. Odd, but I'll take it.
Glad it's working.
And.... it's back to just saying "connecting" Ugh. I remade/shortened/crimped new ends. Same result.