Guide For Posting Request for Help
See the main Guide for posting requests for help for general points, those apply here.
In addition this category is specifically for issues with current Beta or Prerelease/RC versions of RRF (e.g. 2.04b2 or 2.04RC1). Before posting an issue please confirm it is related to the latest beta. I.E. Did it occur on upgrade? Confirm by downgrading to latest stable version then checking then re-upgrading.
Before posting your issue, please review the following sources to check if your question has already been reported and answered.
Have you checked the documentation?
Have you checked the GCODE Wiki?
Have you checked the firmware release notes?
- RRF2:
- RRF3:
Have you searched the forums?
If this is a Beta firmware release, have you checked the Beta Firmware Forum?
Have you searched the existing issues at GitHub Issue Tracker
Please provide the following details:
Board Name: Duet2-Wifi Duet2-Ethernet Duet2-Maestro Duet3-6HC Duet3-3HC Duet3-1XD Duet3-1LC Duex2 Duex5 Other
Firmware Version:
DWC Version:
PanelDue Version:
Raspberry Pi?
Upload the contents of your config.g and homing files, or any other related gcode, generally the contents of your sys folder.
Provide the results of sending M122, and M98 P”config.g”
Include details specific to your printer.
Links to photos and videos of the problem are helpful.
Links to a related forum thread if one exists.
Describe the problem in as much detail as possible.
- Expected result
- Observed result
- Steps to reproduce